A selection of Connor drabbles (variety of pairings and gen)

Oct 21, 2012 17:11

Reposting these from the Connor Temple drabble tree on Denial. The words in bold are the phrases included from the preious drabble.

Title: Ice Cream
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor/Becker
Rating: 15
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

The rich, toffee fudge ice cream slowly melted on his tongue, and slid easily down his throat.

Connor closed his eyes and made a sound of pure decadent pleasure. He had been waiting all day to eat this, and it didn’t disappoint.

He tried a second mouthful, savouring the sweet flavour, and rolling his tongue around the spoon, chasing every last drop of cream, and licking his lips.

Across the room, Becker shifted in his seat, looking a little uncomfortable.

Connor moaned happily around another mouthful.

Abruptly Becker stood up.

“Bedroom. Now.”

Connor smirked. Ice cream and a shag. Excellent!

Title: Moment of Truth
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

Finally, after months of work, it was finished. It was rough and ready, but now he was staring in awe at the very first man-made anomaly. And he had done it. Connor Temple.

He had proved that Philip’s faith in him was not misplaced, and earned his respect. For a moment, it felt like the old days.

Of course, opening an anomaly was only the first step. Now it was surely only a short jump to developing a way to close them. No more creatures. No more deaths.

He only wished that Cutter were here to share the moment with him.

Title: Clean
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor (Connor/Philip implied)
Rating: 18
Warnings: Non-con implied
Spoilers: none
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

The hot water beat down on him, steam billowing in the enclosed cubicle. Connor’s skin was raw from scrubbing, but he couldn’t stop.

His plan had worked, he consoled himself. He knew exactly what Philip was doing, and he had the proof hidden in his bag. Maybe now Abby would trust him again. But at what cost?

He closed his eyes, letting the scalding water wash away his tears along with the faint traces of blood. He wished he could scrub the memories away as easily as he could the evidence.

Connor didn’t think he would ever feel clean again.

Title: Different
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor, Ryan (pre Connor/Ryan if you really squint)
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

Connor tried hard to convince himself this was different. He was part of something big, something important, and these people were his friends.

But when he saw the way that Abby was so comfortable with Stephen, and how he was so often treated like a hanger-on, he wondered if it wasn’t so different from the old days at university after all. He would always be the geek, the joke, the outcast.

Connor was startled out of his thoughts by Ryan appearing at his side with a cup of coffee and an encouraging smile.

Connor smiled back.

Well, that was... different.

Title: Drowned Puppy
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor/Ryan
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.

Connor flapped his arms, spraying water on anything nearby.

“Why is it always me?” he asked forlornly. An icy rivulet of water dripped from his hair and ran down the back of his neck.

“I did warn you not to get too close to the lake,” Ryan pointed out, rather unhelpfully.

Connor glared through his sodden hair.

“Come on, then.”

Ryan propelled him towards the car, and wrapped a large fluffy blanket around Connor’s soaked, shivering body. Then he engulfed Connor in a hug.

“Look on the bright side. Think how much fun we can have warming you up later.”

becker, connor temple, drabble, slash, connor/becker, connor/ryan, fanfic, slash implied, gen, tom ryan

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