Mar 29, 2008 12:57
Things have been hectic lately. I've been taking on extra shifts to try and cover the costs of my expensive apartment... $350 a week to pay by oneself is very taxing!
I've got some really exciting news! ONe of my lyrics is being made into a song, hurrah! Sure I have to pay a musician studio guy to do it, but it's one of those dreams-come-true kind of thing that you never thought would happen. I hope I like it, he's going to make a draft next week and let me hear the rough version to see if I want to go ahead with the real deal.
In other more exciting news, there's a boy! He asked me out! Woohoo! It sure does boosts my self esteem after the shattering breakup. He's really cute - blond hair, blue eyes, just a smidge taller than me. It's been one roller coaster ride from another - I'm just sitting back and enjoying the delicious feeling of being simply happy.