VII: Silver, too

Apr 08, 2009 18:12

[Vergil's white hair blends in nicely with the fog, the Sphere picking up on him calmly watching as two vampires come towards him. On catching sight of him, both react differently. One hisses, and the female full-out screams, but the end result is the same---they both turn and run like Hell itself is on their tail.]

Almost makes me homesick.

As illusions go, I find this one infinitely more preferable then the last. It's certainly a nice change of pace. The cemeteries in particular are quite spectacular.

I wonder if the simulations will react to less known traditions for averting vampires, such as paprika or throwing down a handful of kernels of corn or similar small objects. Supposedly they would be compelled to stop and count all of them. I'd test it if they didn't all flee at the sight of me. I suppose it means I won't be bothered, at least.

a demonic hunter is ironic, plot: bleh, skulls make for good decor

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