Feb 03, 2009 06:17
we all know that it's really hard to pretend everything's ok when it's not it's a talent that not all of us have been blessed with.
it's especially hard in my line of work, where everyday, you would have to meet, talk, and read about people who are, more or less in the worst day of their lives.
like today, when i talked to the hostages of somali pirates aboard mt chemstar. i heard their qualms, their pleas, their requests, and you feel the hopelessness in their voices. but inside my head i thought, "dude i have problems too."
it may sound insensitive but its true. and when i finished the interview, i knew that i was more depressed than before. it never gets easier. you just make an illusion for yourself that it is by making yourself happy outside of work, or shutting off your emotions as soon as you enter. the latter is hard, but the former is hardest.
but as the saying goes, misery loves company.