I wonder...

Sep 26, 2007 10:14

So, I had an interview Monday for a new job, and I got it. I start in two weeks.

But, I can't help but wonder if this is the road I really want to travel. Is this really the direction I'm headed. Everyone else still gets to be irresponsible. Everyone else gets to do nothing with their life for another few years. Everyone else gets to breathe. Its not that I'm not excited about the job, because really I am. Ultimately, it looks great on my resume, it lets me see if this is the path I want to take, and it pays me more than I'm getting paid now. But, when I think about it more and more, Taking on a real job, one where I'm actually given expectations, and things to do... means that I have to give up on Monday night bar nights... the only night I actually go out and do something... because every other night I'm just too tired to do so.

I just wish there was some sign, that says, man, you really should do this. Or.. Danielle, what the hell are you thinking? A sign that makes everything just a little bit easier. instead of a little bit harder.

My classes still suck, nothing exciting, or even remotely entertaining. Nothing fun going on at all.. The wedding Drew and I went to this weekend wasn't even a fraction of what I thought it would be. Nothing exciting, nothing new. Just the same old, tired boring wedding scene. I'm not going to lie, I expected it to be more. More what, I dont know.. just more something.

I'm not sure what to do anymore. I want to do so many exciting things, but for now, I'm stuck in this boring lifestyle. I just want something exciting, something pretty, or well, just something. I want to graduate, but thats three semesters off. I want to travel... but the bank account says no. I want to go out, but my body's too tired to take it. I want to blow off my homework... but my dreams for something bigger push me to actually do it. Mostly though, I just want to sleep. I want to stay up until 5, and sleep until 1. Not stay up until 5 and sleep until 7.20 and rush out the door.

I want to be done. I want to move on. I want... to feel the summers where there was nothing to do. no job, no school, not a care in the world.

...but if nothing else, we'll always have the gilmores...

Luke: You tuck a bed in on both sides?
Lorelai: Yeah, and then I slip in, like it's a straightjacket.
Luke: Oh, you must feel at home there.
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