Nou nou! was een Btje aan het surven laatst. Wat denk je dat ik vind? Één of andere libertariche website met anti-socialistsche posters. Het zag er vrij triest en dom uit, kijk zelf maar: . Die gast die dat heeft gemaakt weet er duidelijk niets van af... Ach tja altijd hetzelfde met die libertarische kapitalistenreten likkers. Ik kon het niet laten om ff een E-mail te sturen daarover. Vrij zinloos natuurlijk, maar wel leuk ^^
Hier is die E-mail:
"you dunno anyting about socialism NOOB"
Read the socialist lecture first before you start to spam anti-socialist propaganda. It’s so dumb to critisise something you know nothing about!
First rule of communism: the private property of the means of production will be abolished, and brought into public ownership. This way no capitalist can exploit workers trough the property of means of production. Later all production will be brought into public hands.
Second rule: There can be no state in communism, for there is a classless society.
Third rule: Second rule: Communism will be the highest form of democracy ever known to man. (all production and decisions will be democratically planed and taken by the workers’ and peasants’ councils and their democratically elected deputies.)
Fourth rule: Freedom is the most important thing to communists. We fight for it, for in the capitalist society dominated with wage-slavery and media mind control. There can, is and will be no freedom under capitalism.
Quotes of famous communist writers who support these rules:
"Under socialism all will govern in turn and will soon become accustomed to no one governing."
"Communism is the rule of soviets (=workers’ and peasants’ councils) plus the electrification of the whole country."
"While the State exists there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there will be no State."
-Vladimir I. Lenin
"The theory of Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."
"Democracy is the road to socialism."
-Karl H. Marx
Read “The communist manifesto” And “The state and revolution” Read those in particular.
Further, the states witch call themselves communist today, are in no way communist if one uses the definition of real communists for communism themselves. The Soviet Union was a Stalinist state, the PRC is a Stalinist sate, North Korea is even so weird that its more of a Monarchy than a Stalinist state. And to my definition, having read lots of communist lecture, Stalinism is by no means communist or trying to become communist.
Read Trotsky’s “The revolution betrayed” if you don’t believe. If you think you support freedom by supporting capitalism… your wrong. Capitalism is a system of oppression, systematic exploitation of workers and repeating war effords by the bourgeoisie. The only one’s who are free in capitalism are the capitalists, a minority of the word’s population. They are free to exploit, wage wars, dominate minds, and making profits over the workers’ backs!
Read Karl Marx’s “The Capital” if you don’t beleve.
And than to reply on some of your anit-socialist propaganda posters:
The one witch states that communist governments have murderd over 100.000.000 people.
In the first place, if you know about communism, there can be no communist state, so the poster looks quite dump to begin with. But anyways. The states you referring to are Stalinist states, and have nothing to do with communism. They only tried to look communist in order to keep the workers satisfied.
And even than, the number of people murdered under capitalism far exceed the the number murdered by Stalinists. Think of the USA and her wars, think of the European countries conquering the world, murdering, stealing and enslaving. Think of the First World War. Think of the Second World War. Think of Fascism, witch was supported by capitalism both ideologically and financially.
You libertarians perhaps fight for a society where the states power is reduced, we communists fight for a society where the state is of no use anymore, and will die off.
Compulsory tax a theft? Yeah right… you know what is REAL theft? Capitalists making profits by underpaying workers. THAT IS A THEFT!
I agree with you that we are not free. For capitalists enslave us.
We should also all bear arms, for only than the proletariat can defend itself against the bourgeoisie, and can start the revolution. And only by baring arms the proletariat can prevent Stalinist tendencies from developing.
And than the one on North Korea.
Easy. North Korea is just not a socialist country, for the workers have not democratic power over production. Its just a crazy monarcy with a beaurocratically planned production.
O, yes…
Do not try to fix the capitalist system… it does not need fixing for it works perfectly for capitalist terms.
Overthrowing and replacing it with something else might work.
Go to for free works.
Bobby Siecker, The Netherlands.
The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!