we begin---with silence.
the silence of death:
the silence after destruction;
there are times when songs falter,
when darkness fills life,
when martyrdom becomes a constellation of faith
against the unrelieved black of space about us.
there are no words to reach beyond the edge of night,
no messenger to tell the full tale.
there is only silence.
the silence of job.
the silence of the fourteen million.
the silence of memory.
let us remember them as we link our silences.
i am a jew and will be a jew forever.
even if i should die from hunger,
never will i submit.
i will always fight for my people,
on my honor.
i will never be ashamed of them,
i give my word.
i am proud of my people,
how dignified they are.
even if i am suppressed,
i will always come back to life.