In March, Ann and I went to the Jacksonville, Florida area for a vacation. One thing that's different about the area is that the trees are covered with air plants (many of them are called mosses, but they're not). As a souvenir, I picked up an air plant from the ground next to the tree it fell from and brought it home in a protective box.
I've been watering it by misting it with water. Last month, I read that once a week I should soak air plants in rain water (lots of nutrients). Up to now, it's been hard to tell if it's thriving or not. It's a bundle of pale green leaves. However this afternoon, I noticed that it has two tiny purple flowers.
I think it's a
Tillandsia recurvata (aka ball moss (even though it's not a moss)). Reading about it in detail, I think I might move it from the kitchen window to the indirect light of the upstairs bathroom's skylight. It might also like the occasional moist air from the shower.
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