Dec 24, 2004 22:43
guess what peoples. its christmas eve. yes, yes, i kno.. the day after today is the more better of the two days. but most people see christmas as "OMG I GET TONS OF PRESENTS" ..thats not what christmas is even about. we've drifted so off topic its more of a holiday for stores and buisness, they make tons of money off us around this time from christmas shopping. what the holiday is really susposed to be about is jesus's birthday. idc how much people argue against me, thats what i believe. i'll just share what i feel christmas is. christmas all started back in the day, when a chick named mary got pregnant and had a gods baby. named him jesus and yea. god gave the earth people his son for reasons. in other words, christmas isnt about recieving, its about giving. dont just grab up all your presents and forget that they were given to you. give something back to them, or just give something to someone. dont just do it on christmas, do it anytime of the year.
one gift i have already recieved quite early. not really an object, but something i wanted for a long time. i love you paris and im so glad im with you. you're really the only gift i wanted. but since i already have you want a black hoodie lol. im still gonna keep you and treasure every moment with you and every moment when we talk. i love you so much.
technically its christmas right now cause i didnt hit post entry until 3:20 am. but i'll do an entry tomorrow so goodnight people. and have a very merry christmas!!