The Prince's chapter 4

Sep 02, 2012 18:06

Title: The Prince's
Author: Defi
Pairing: YamaChii, YutoChii
Character: JE members, Nishii Yukito
Genre: semi-AU, fantasy, romance
Disclaimer: just own the plot
Note: girl!Inoo
‘…’ = thought and there’s still Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri. All chara I use their first name except Yabu.
Summary: YamaChii date, but a mysterious figure want to ruin Chinen Yuri. But ending up by our YamaChii must acting their best and do something if they want to go back. Weird summary v_v
and gomen for bad english and grammar..

Yamada hanging his head after hearing what the old man telling him what was happened. Meanwhile the old man who was  knowing his name is Jin, looked just still sit silently on  his couch looking at the young man.
“ about, our body’s in human world?” asked Yamada quietly while tighter his grip on the bed cover, trying to calm his trembled body.
“The both of your was in coma cause the accident you two having before, but don’t worry they’re still alive, just ‘sleeping’,” hearing that, Yamada let a sigh of relief. “But,”
He look at the old man, “But, what?”
“But if you two accidently die in this world, then you two will die too in your world,” added Jin with a serious tone while wearing back his hood and tidy up his robe. Yamada widening  his eyes, shocked.
Yamada quickly rolled his eyes to the suddenly appeared a tall brown haired boy from the door, with shocked too.
“, ah! Hontouni gomen nasai!” that boy quickly bowed his body. “Please forgive me for interrupted your conversation,” said that boy and bowed his body again, feel guilty.
“It’s okay,” Jin say, cutting Yamada’s. His face was already covered by the hood and nearing the boy. “I’m not angry at you, young boy. What’s make you come here?” asked Jin calmly.
“Ah, master I’m really sorry, my habit. Oh! Takaki-sama invited you two to come for having breakfast together,” explain that boy, he then look at Yamada who was still sit on the bed with shocked face and bowed to the older. “Ohayou, Ryosuke-sama.”
“A-ee..Ohayou..” replied Yamada.
“We will come in ten minutes again,” said Jin.
“Hai, I understand.” And that boy bowed once again before going out of the room.
“I’ve told you before, deshou? I’m sorry you two must get into this condition. But I really needing your help, especially that little guy.”
“Come on clean up your self and preparing for it. I know you can and I believe in both of you.”
Silent again. Look at Jin and nodded, Yamada then get up from the bed and went to the bathroom.
“I hope everything will be fine,” whispered Jin softly.
A tall brunette hired man stood up from his seat and approach Yamada who was entering the big room with Jin by his side. That tall man bowed slightly to Yamada who just replied it by nodded his head.
“Ohayou, my prince. It’s my pleased to having breakfast with you,” said that tall brunette man who’s named Takaki Yuya politely and smiling.
“Ohayou, Takaki-sama. I’m thankful to you for saving my live,” said Yamada, a little smile on his handsome face.
“My obligation to saving you, my prince. Now, let’s we have breakfast together. I have prepared many delicious food for you.”
They are then nearing a big table in that room, there was many delicious food already serve on the table. Yamada, Jin, Takaki, and the tall boy who entering Yamada’s room before the sat on their chair. Yamada looking at the food. He don’t know why but, to be honest he was really hungry now. Suddenly his black orbs eyes was set up to a bowl that full of strawberry’s. staring at those fruit. The tall boy who sit in front of that handsome prince who see it just chuckle.
“Haha..just eat what you want, Ryosuke-sama. Master has told us to preparing all of these specially for you,” said that boy laughed.
“Shut up Yuma, don’t say like that to my prince,” scolded Takaki to that boy called Yuma.
“Hehe..gomen nasai,”
“I’m sorry, my prince. But like this boy said, please eat what you want,” said Takaki with smiles. Yamada let a sigh before started to eat.
It was noon already and the sun was shining up out there. A brightly light filling the room where there  was laying a little guy. Chinen slowly open up his eyes once again rubbed them by his back hand. Looking for observe at the room and let a hard sigh.
“Oh was not a dream anymore, haahh..calm down Chinen Yuri!” said Chinen to him self. Collecting his strength, he tried to sit up and turn form the bed. While massaging his temple, his dizziness was gone already. Then slowly walk to the open window over there, wanting look at the outside.
“Hmm..eehh, what the?! Uso..” said Chinen surprised by what was he see from the window. Unconsciously stepping back, but suddenly the door was being opened make this guy shock.
“Uwaaa..!!”and accidently stumble between his feet.
“Eh? Nii-chan!!” a yell from the black haired boy who the one opened door. Quickly but carefully he rolled his wheel chair he was using by his hands approach the older guy that was sitting on the ground.
“Nii-chan..nii-chan, daijoubu?” asked the boy worriedly while tried to reach Chinen shoulder.
Chinen who was rubbing his butt snapped by the touch of the younger beside him and looked at him. “A-eh, Yu-Yukito? What the..?” said Chinen uttered his word, surprised by this younger appeared.
“Un it’s me nii-chan, daijoubu?” asked the younger called Yukito once again, still worry by his ‘nii-chan’.
“Ah daijoubu..daijoubu da,” replied Chinen and smiles nervously, then he stand up from the cold ground.
“Yokatta na..I’m sorry I can’t come to see you when you already woke up this morning, nii-chan. I’m really worried that you faint again but now I’m really relief that you are fine now,” said Yuki while look up at Chinen and a smiles appear on his cute face.
“Thank you for worrying me, Yuki-chan. I’m fine now,” said Chinen smiles too and stroked the younger’s black hair gently.
‘Hhmm..I still don’t know what was happen here but, look a like I’m the one of the family’s member here. Yabu-kun, umm girl Inoo-chan, Yuto, Yuki-chan.. they’re really look a like the real one, event their name’s too. Maa..I really curious where am I now..?’
“Nii-chan, nande?” called Yuki make the cute guy in front of him again snapped from his thought. Chinen look at him seriously.
“Ne, Yuki-chan..can I ask something?”
“Un sure, what is it?”
“I’m hungry..hup!” Chinen quickly covered his mouth by his palm. ‘What the? A-aah..but I’m really felt hungry now, ugh’.  Chinen looked at the speechless Yuki, feel ashamed to the younger.
“Hahaha it’s okay nii-chan, I thought it’s what,” Chinen just rubbed his back head and smiles.
“I know you were hungry because since you woke up you not eat anything until this noon. Don’t worry nii-chan, I’ll tell mom to preparing many delicious food for you,” said Yuki.
“Aah..I’m bothered you..”
“It’s nothing nii-chan. And clean up yourself before going down. I’ll ask Taiga-kun to prepare the clothes for you,” added him.
Another question pop up in his mind but Chinen shrugged it off. Our squirrel was really eat something now or he’ll faint again. “Arigatou ne, Yuki-chan..” thanked Chinen smiling and stroked the younger’s hair again.
“Un. Anything for you, nii-chan!”
“Are you really want to go now? We can accompany you tomorrow morning, he’ll be fine there don’t worry.”
“I can’t. I really need to know him now, please.”
“Okay..I’ll tell them to get ready for you.”
Chinen sit on the couch on the veranda of his room, gazing at the night sky while tighter the blanket that wrapped his small body.
After having dinner with his “family”, Chinen immediately back to his room cause need to rest, but actually he just need to be alone. Honestly, our chibi still can’t thinking clearly about this at all. Since he woke up for the second time at the noon before, he meet with the other people there. And just like his thought before, all the people he met was same as the people in Jhonny’s. and they’re all was respect to him even the his senpai’s.
Looking again at those star, Chinen’s thought was drift to one person he really miss so much. He not see him since the “accident” he or they have before. He still not sure that Yamada got that ‘accident’ to and being “dumped” there like him. Suddenly the being opened and there appeared a young boy who using his wheel chair to Chinen.
“Nii-chan..” called him.
“Hn, nani Yuki-chan?”
“Gomen ne if I disturb your rest, but can you come with me?”
“Iie, you’re not disturb me,” get from his couch and release the blanket, Chinen come to Yuki and kneel down in front the younger one. “Where?”
“Some people was come here. I want to see them but dad not allow me, so..can you?”
“Hm..un, come on I’ll company you,” then he stand up and start to push Yuki’s wheel chair from the back carefully out of the room.
In the living room, there was five people standing in front of Yabu and Kei, and there’s some guard too. That people were wearing a hood each other.
“Who are you are?” asked Yabu calmly.  No answer from them.  at that time one of them walk slowly to the front of them, like this people was their leader. Let a sigh slowly he opened his hood. There was a young man with brunette hair, wears a black eye patch over his right eye. With a slight smile on his handsome face, that young man greeted the two older person in front of him.
“I’m back tou-sama, kaa-sama..”
Guess who minna~~~~~~???
Hehehe gomen ne if it’s take a long time to update it. Not have much time now.. =_=
Ne ne how was it? For Livi-chan han_cawaii, I hope it’s enough for you J
Mind to comment? ^^

je members, yamachii, fanfiction, yutochii, nishii yukito, hey! say! jump

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