My thoughts on the US military.

Jun 14, 2011 23:21

I have been meaning to write this out so that some that have been asking me can know where I stand.

First my back ground.

I have had a great uncle that was trapped in France during the occupation and was an Army radio operator that while there helped the Resistance keep in communication with the rest of the world.

I had another that served in Vietnam but I have no idea what he did as he was one not to talk about it.

My uncle and aunt of my mother's side were both Russian linguists for the Air Force during the Cold War. My uncle is now in computers in a big way in DC for military and my aunt has served on Secretary Powell's staff when he was in office.

I myself served 12 years in uniform for the Army as a Communications team leader during the Cold War as well. My first Commander in Chief was Regan and my last was President Clinton.

Now my opinion of today arsenal.

I support soldiers. That being said why did I get out then?

Honestly I did not sign up of any sense of patriotism. I was a mercenary. I wanted money to go to school. I had pretty much pissed away a high school career and would not be able to really pay for a school that I wanted to go to. As I served I learned a sense of pride and patriotism from those awesome men and women I served with. I came to know more about what was good and right about our country from the people who has lived through Korea and Vietnam and some WW2 vets as well that were still in.

I knew when I signed up I could go to war. With the Russians or maybe China. I knew my leaders would put us in a war if needed to prevent another World War or nuclear holocaust or if our country was threatened. But that was it.

As time whet on and Desert Storm hit I knew times and attitudes were changing. Desert Storm I did not disagree with as we had mandate from the UN to do so and as long as we are still beholden to that group we must go along. But that is another discussion for later.

So in turn Irag I did not disagree with as Clinton had mandate from the UN to deal with Hussein. But he did not. We should have removed him as ordered, secured the country and GOT OUT. We were not wanted by the locals and I knew from the first thoughts that we would do this that we would stay too long.

So I saw then where the thought patterns were going and where the military would be used too often so I got out.

That all being said I support the soldiers of today's military but with a bad taste in my mouth. I knew when I signed up I *could* go to war. They that signed up in the last 8 years or so do so knowing they *will* go to war. A war and combat mission I as a private citizen do not agree with.

That is where I stand.
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