Title A Movie Script Ending
Author Juicyfruit8930
Pairing Cranny
Summary They never really got to talk about them after the abortion. It seems as if they moved on but maybe neither one of them did.
Feedback yes please
Notes The title comes from a song by Death Cab For Cutie. This is a multi-chapter story.
She brushed her dark brown hair out of her eyes. She was well of aware that he was watching her from the counter but what did that matter. She was with JT now and he was there for her basically all her life. JT was reliable and one of her best friends. As long as she kept that in mind Craig's glaring couldn't get to her. She was stronger than that. Craig no longer had the power to make her do things that she would regret later. Her will was stronger than to break to his good looks and his kisses. Manuela Santos would never fall to Craig.
Craig watched her intently as she sat waiting for JT to return. He couldn't help but wonder how she was doing but mostly how was her relationship with JT. Sometimes he would find himself wondering if Manny loved JT the way she had told him she had loved him. He always decided that she hadn't reached that level with JT yet. That always made him feel calmer about the way things were.
Manny couldn't help but wonder what JT was doing now. She couldn't understand why it was taking him so long. She ran her fingers through her hair and stole a few glances of Craig. She wasn't sure if she should be nice and say "hi" or pretend that she didn't even see him there. She went with pretend she didn’t see him there.
Craig couldn't stand just sitting there and watching her without being able to talk to her. He made his way to her and he noticed when Manny brushed a few strands in front of her face. He was sick of watching from a far and not being able to make any contact.
“Well?” Manny asked with a bit of attitude in her voice.
“Hey.” Craig spoke nervously. The pressure was going to kill him. He could feel his palms becoming sweaty.
“I’m sorry.” Manny told him as she fidgeted in her seat.
“For what?” he asked confused.
“Being rude.” She replied.
“It’s okay.” He told her as he gave her a weak smile.
“How are you?” She asked.
“Great.” He lied.
“I’m doing great too.” She told him in her most convincing voice.
“Can we talk about us?” He asked.
“I can’t. I’m with JT.” Rolled off her tongue and a look of disappointment crawled onto his face.
“I see.” He replied with his ego more crushed than when he had decided to talk to her.
“Craig don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t like being near you. Sometimes when I see you I get this feeling of hate and really I feel that right now.” She lied to him. She figured if she was going to get over him anytime soon he would have to be removed out of her life all together. She couldn’t have him and his puppy dog eyes messing up her chances at move on with one of the greatest guys she knew.
“Sorry I bothered you.” He mumbled and left her alone. He hated bitch Manny and wished things could go back to when Manny was sweet to him and completely in love with him. He enjoyed her presence and he wished he hadn’t thought of her as needy and clingy when they had a chance to be together.
Manny watched him walk away and held back the tears of guilt that were attempting to escape from her eyes. She couldn’t let herself shed another tear for Craig. She had to get over that silly chapter in her life where the thought of first love mattered to her. She had to be focused on her new relationship. She owed it to JT and a bit to herself.