I can't fall asleep or find my headphone things
so I guess I should update
if you don't want a rant then don't bother reading
So the variety show was tonight.
I got there and sat down with a long line of people including Becca, Christy Lauren, Morgan, Justin, Andres, and Jared. and some more people sat with us after intermition.
The boy is so confusing
He'll hold my hand
and put his arm around me...
but we can't date
and I don't mind it one bit, it's just kindof hard and confusing because I'm falling pretty damn crazy for this boy
I mean honestly he's so easy to talk to
and amazing in like every single way....
so omgzkaila came to the variety show
and she was an even bigger biatch then I thought she would be
me and Andres caught her talking about me
"she's so short and young and ew Justin this is so stupid we're going to talk about this"
OK what the fucking shit.
God, she didn't even say hello to me
or ANYTHING at that matter
and when I walk away, she starts talking about me.
ok I dont mind if you know me, and you talk about me.
that doesn't mean you should assume because i'm short and younger then she is that she's all better and shit then me and it doesn't give her the right to say shit like that.
/end annoying rant.
anyways I had a pretty good time after all
Justin gives great hugs
but I knew that already =P
just knowing you is enough for me to be okay with this.
please don't feel like I'm angry or upset about this...mess that we have.
honestly, knowing you is enough to make everything okay.