It indeed has been 6 weeks since I last updated this journal. I'm not entirely sure whats on my mind at this point.
I could go on about games or music, as usual. The nit picky things that have been going on at work. My plans for the next few months in regards to money that I am making. Dreams, asperations, hopes, fears...etc.
Job has been going good (I think) Upon highering a new person I am now only working 4 days a week for 8 hours each for a 32 hour week. Good part is more days off, bad is lower checks each pay period. I would normally like the aspect of more days off, however they are usually at odd times in the week such as the middle. The work is still relitively straight forward, and I am very happy that Krista (Boss Lady) allows me to listen to my PSP while working. After about the second week of listing to Mcdonalds music was the first time I contimplated suicide since I was 16. My lovely PSP makes work barable. I also share a few texts with Brandy from work, and that helps me get through the early part of the shift. A lot.
Working the night shift also allows me enjoy the more colorful individuals of Sanford, and consiquently the neighboring cities. The work/school rush is the pain of the day. As everyone is going to work, everyone wants their coffee and gas. I have classified these people into two groups. The nice ones and the assholes.
Examples of each is, there is this one nurse that comes in every day. She greets me at the door with a smile and simply gets her cup of coffee, hands me exact change wishes me a great day and leaves with that same smile. She's a nice one.
There is a guy that comes in at 4 a.m every day. Doesn't say a word. Goes to Mcdonalds for his coffee, yells at me for his brand of chew not being on sale and leaves. He's an asshole.
One regular never says a word. We greet eachother with a male nod, he gets his coffee hands me exact change, nods again and leaves.
I've had kids try to bomb cigerettes off of me right and left. Due to a few bad instances if I ask if they have ID and they say no...they don't get anything, I don't care if they are 14 or 40. I have pissed people off doing this, more than I care to mention, but If I ask then I am well in my right to deny the sale. Krista said so.
I also didn't know that in Michigan it is ok for an adult to buy cigerettes for an intended minor. You can't deny the sale if a person of verified legal age asks for cigerettes, even if you know they will get to the minor. Krista denies them anyway, and so will I.
Drunks and stoners are iffy with me. I've seen many of the drunken types come into the store. The angry drunk (man got a large coffee then back talks to me when I say I don't steel lottery tickets) The Frat Drunk (Young man came in trying to act sober and doing that gag laugh at everything he said.) The "High" Drunk. (Woman was buzzing off of beer and acted like she was full of hot air.) The Party Drunk. (young lady came in after a night at the bar, still thinking she was at the party. Said she would give me Long Island Ice Teas all night for free if I came to the bar and asked for her.)
Stoners don't come in many flavors but I've noticed 2 distinct ones. Angry and Passive. Some come in at the end of there buzz. Some after they just start. These two guys came in ...glazed. Wow. They walked by me and I had to have a twix. One young man nearly fell on his face on the way in and then gave me a suave thumbs up on his way to the chips.
I've been yelled at, complimented, haggled with, insulted, offered to be inducted into a religious cult, been the peice maker between couples, and had a knife pulled on me. I even was on the recieving end of cat-calls by a car full of highschool cheerleaders. Yes'sur'ee the excitment never stops.
I think I've shared enough. Didn't know I'd type so much actually.