Sep 20, 2007 18:35
Only about a week and a half until I turn the not-so-big 22! yay? I guess? I already know my dad is getting me 2 awesome shirts from Threadless (because I pointed them out and said, "hey, get me these for my birthday") and have pointed out a Kanjani8 cd that I want to my boyfriend.
My Ethics teacher thinks that English isn't my first language. I noticed on my attendance card yesterday that he put a sticky note on it, the note said something along the lines of,'what is the challenge of participating for you? can I help?' so I wrote under it, 'I'm just a quiet person, I don't mind participating in the group, but I've never liked speaking in front of a class.' I pay attention in class, I participate in my group, I just don't like speaking in class really, nor do I usually have questions to ask. Anyways, when I got home last night I checked my class email for my Ethics class and see that I got my homework back with a grade (we email our homework to him and he sends it back with a grade and any comments that he feels like making), so I open it up and at the very top it says, "good fallacies, fallacies are usually hard for people that don't speak English well." I showed David the email and I think back to the sticky note and say, "Oh my God! He thinks just because I don't talk a lot I must not speak English very well!" (I used some references to asians in some of my fallacy examples too) I find this funny, very very funny, this is the first time someone's ever thought that of me. Oh you silly silly Ethics teacher, shame on you for assuming that my English is poor! Shame! LOL!