Apr 03, 2005 13:44
Oh my god, it's an actual update.
Okay, well, I'm not really sure where to start. My friend who I went to undergrad with who dropped out after my first term came back to my undergrad school to visit so of course, I felt obligated to go see him. And by obligated I mean, I desperately wanted to see him. He'd definitely gotten in better shape and all. He's such a random, crazy, obnoxious guy who obviously uses all that to cover up for being shy. I've seen him around girls he doesn't know well, he's shy and awkward and in all honesty, it's rather endearing. But anyway, it was pretty fun seeing him and all.
Beyond that, well, I'm crazy busy with all my new work. The 12+ hour days split between class and my grad assistantship (GA), or GA and internship have worn me down. The weird part, I'm not the kind of person who does well when I have alot of free time. It's just not how I roll. (haha. I said roll instead of work) Anyway, so along with my three 12+ hour days, one 10 hour day, and school work, I'm swamped. It was really nice to get away this weekend but on the otherhand, I have SOOOOOOOOO much work to do for my classes. I'm going to do a little tonight, some tomorrow, and the rest, well, Tuesday at work? Ha. Yeah, well, that's what it's coming to now. I'd like to start back at the gym on Tuesday which is going to make the day EVEN longer.
Beyond being exhausted, I've started RPG-ing on livejournal. I've never really done it before, but I really like it. It's fun, relaxing and doesn't require too much effort. I'm also starting some new livejournal communities. You know what's sad? Sometimes I catch myself being on livejournal of SOOOOOOOOOOO long and then realize that I haven't updated my personal journal in like decades. So I figured I'd write this, despite it's rather boring, dry nature.
I did buy some EXCELLENT vodka mixed with blood orange juice. It's sooooo citrus-y but it's rather good. I'm looking forward to a good night with my best friend and that bottle, and then maybe we'll go dancing or something. We'll have to see. I don't really drink and I haven't been drunk in a REALLY long time, but well, maybe it's time to let loose.
Ha. I can see how much I've changed in just a few years by that last sentence. For those of you who knew me before, I wasn't much of a drinker ever, I mean, it's just not me by nature. Alcohol makes me sleepy...why would I want to be sleepy before I go out or while I'm out? It never made sense to me; however, despite that, I've managed to have my share of forgotten nights and late night drunken talks. It's amazing sometimes to look back, seeing where you are now, and realize how far that road was, even though you could see this point from where you were. Okay, that might not have made sense, but oh well.
I'm not feeling very "talkative" right now so I'll update with more thoughts sometime soon...well, sooner than what I've been updating. Soon, I'll have my own laptop at my grad assistantship so I'll be online even more... can you believe that's possible? So... sorry about the long pointless entry, but maybe something more interesting for next time. :)