Title: Unconditional Companion
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 1, 124 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for
fragrantwoods birthday. She wanted a fic where Bill gives Laura a dog as a comforting gift during her first or second illness (she was very specific about who she wanted the dog to resemble. :D). Happy birthday
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Comments 17
And how Laura, to think of who Rocky's next human should be (sniff!).
I love that all this is framed in the theme of life, and Cottle's reaction was priceless :-)
Just lovely--I'm full of squee now!
I very happily studied those photos that you sent me, he is such a cutie pie!!! ♥ And YAY for extra treats. :D
I had to include Cottle, he's just so much fun to write. Actually, his reaction is quiet similar to my dad's when we got Fonzie. He was totally against having a dog in the house, but now he is the biggest suck EVER for him. It's quite adorable. :P
Thanks for reading. :D
Of course Laura would. Damn it, it's sweet but it somehow also reads as 'I know I'm going to be dead soon no matter what, so I shouldn't keep him'.
Love Cottle's reaction to the whole thing.
Thanks for reading. :D
This is so sweet -- happiest sickbay scene ever (grumpy Cottle = bonus points). And it's nice to see Bill giving Laura acknowledgment and acceptance that she won't be around indefinitely, something that he was never really able to do in canon but she needed from him very much. But as they're talking about life going on, it makes so much sense that he would be able to talk about it in this context. Ahhh. Lovely.
I couldn't resist. :P
Grumpy!Cottle is just too much damn fun to write. He reminds me a bit of my dad in some ways. :D
And it's nice to see Bill giving Laura acknowledgment and acceptance that she won't be around indefinitely, something that he was never really able to do in canon but she needed from him very much.
I think that he gave it to her, somehow, in the series canon. As much as he was The Master at denial, Bill wasn't a selfish man, he knew that Laura needed his acceptance desperately, I think at the very end, perhaps somewhere in the middle of DB, he gave that to her. I just have to believe that he would have allowed her that tiny bit of peace, and for me, I see that acceptance when they're on Earth 2.0. *sniffles*
I'm glad that you enjoyed the discussion of life here. Thanks for reading. :D
I'm glad that you felt that I balanced this, that was definitely a challenge I faced when writing. I wanted to give them this lighter, happier moment, but I also did not want to negate their situation, and Laura's cancer.
Cottle is so much like my dad in many ways, maybe that's why I adore his character. :P Dad was soooooo against getting Fonzie, and now he is the biggest suck for him. :P
Thanks for reading. :D
THIS is priceless: “What the frak is that thing doing in my life station? This is a cancer ward, not a petting zoo!”
Grumpy!Cottle is awesome, I love writing him.
Thanks for reading :D
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