Title: Fearful Allies
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 865 words.
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Thanks so much to
afrakaday for her speedy and insightful beta. This is the final part of
redrockcan's birthday present. She loves TMUTMD, so this fic is a "behind the scenes" moment for that episode.
Fearful Allies )
Comments 8
So sad in hindsight the way Laura talks about Billy...sniff!! It would have made such a difference if he had lived. I like the connection you make of Zak in the past and Billy in the present. Both so young to die, even though Billy is still with them. It packs such a strong emotion when we know what is to come and Laura is going to shoulder that pain and burden.
Wonderful fic!! Great piece of writing!! I loved it!! :) YAY for birthdays!!
*tackles you with hugs*
Your original prompt didn't work! So I panicked! I figured that anything set during TMUTMD would be acceptable to you. :P
Billy and Zak, *sniffle* I wish that they had both lived longer. :( :( :(
Thanks for reading. :D xo
Interesting way to work it in there. Aw, cute Billy back story.
Thanks for reading. :)
That's such a nice conversation between them. And I love how desperately she wants Adama to be a human.
Nice work.
Thanks for reading. :D
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