"Kiss the Girl" - Adama/Roslin Picspam

Apr 30, 2012 21:22

Kiss the Girl! defyingnormalcy's Top Five Adama-should-have-kissed-Roslin-senseless Moments!

Counting down my personal top five "kiss the girl" moments, aka, moments where I was sitting in front of my television, waving my arms like a maniac, screaming, because I was dying for Bill to just kiss his woman! Judging by the look on Laura's face in several of the caps, I don't think she would have minded if her man went in for a smooch! ;)

This spam was put together for the battleship challenge at about_time for Team Laura.

5. Colonial Day

Laura was definitely hoping that the Commander (who was looking quite spiffy in his lovely dress uniform) would notice her. I love this moment between them because the tension is just so palpable. They are still not quite friends yet, but there is definitely a mutual attraction between them. On the DVD commentary, RDM even said during this scene that he really wanted to play up the sexual tension between them, since they are essentially consenting, attractive adults at a social gathering and thus the temptation to view one another as someone other than their coworker would be far greater. Let's face it, they wanted in each other's pants, badly; so why no hot, Colonial Day kiss? :(

4. Resurrection Ship Part I

The entire Pegasus arch is one of my favourites in the show because it's one of the first times that the well being of one of the members of my OTP is directly threatened by an antagonist. Cain was not a well liked character, but she certainly provided much conflict and plot development. When Laura realizes that Cain is going to kill Bill, she is not happy! This scene between them always makes me SQUEE because it's just tenderly intimate. I love that Laura is willing to fight tooth and nail to protect her man, even when she is on her proverbial deathbed. The looks that pass between them during this moment just melt my shippy heart. It feels almost like a goodbye between them, like Laura is afraid that Cain will succeed and she will never see him again. A goodbye kiss of sorts would have been so wonderful here.

3. Unfinished Business

Let me start off by saying that this episode is the frakking treasure trove of all Adama/Roslin UST goodness. Just typing the episode's name has me grinning like a fool! There's not much to say except that they so totally made sweet, sweet love under the stars that night and RDM is a butthead for not filming that particular scene I really, really, must insist that several an onscreen kiss would have been oh so very welcome here. :D

2. A Day In The Life

Boy is haunted by crazy bitchy ex-wife. Ex-wife psycho bitch taunts boy about being in love with girl. Boy reminds girl about the time that they spent frakking like bunnies gazing at the stars and girl wears a "frak me" sign on her head. Boy should have kissed girl. :(

1. Faith

Another scene with simply fabulous commentary. RDM gives us shippers a shout-out (represent!) and gushes over the awesomeness of the Adama/Roslin relationship. This scene was actually Mary McDonnell's idea, she felt that Laura would have gone to Bill because she felt safest with him. Have I mentioned how much I adore the fact that seemingly the entire cast and crew were shippers? The final scene is a series of gorgeous close ups between the two of them, and they are sitting so close to one another; can we have a kiss please?

And simply because, a lovely shot of them actually and about frakking time kissing. :P

bill adama, laura roslin, mary mcdonnell, adama/roslin, picspam, edward james olmos, bsg

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