Title: A Lament for Justice Pairing: Adama/Roslin Rating: T Word Count: 200 words Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show. A/N: Thanks to redrockcan for her encouragement.
Another excellent scene!! I've always thought about Laura thinking back to the drunk that got away with killing her family when Baltar got off. You have captured that perfectly in this scene. She is so pissed at Bill!! I MEAN PISSED!! I really love the last line especially because you can feel all her hope dwindling away after loss after loss and the return of her cancer. Great work!!
I've always thought about Laura thinking back to the drunk that got away with killing her family when Baltar got off.
I've always thought about that too; there is just no way that she wouldn't link the two, they were both such terrible failures of justice. Even if the drunk driver got life in prison, it still pales in comparison to what she has lost. :(
oh bloody hell, that's heart-wrenching! ç_ç but i get all the unspoken fury, you can read it on MM's face as well as in your lines, you gave it such a perfect back story to link with canon
Comments 12
It's never really stuck with me that Laura would have gone through court after her family died, especially when the driver that did it survived.
If Gauis Baltar was innocent, humanity wasn’t worth saving.
Sadly, that always comes after a tragedy like that. I can tell you that it isn't pretty. :(
Thanks for reading. :)
Ooh, ouch, perfect! I can really, really feel her anger here.
Thanks for reading. :D
I've always thought about that too; there is just no way that she wouldn't link the two, they were both such terrible failures of justice. Even if the drunk driver got life in prison, it still pales in comparison to what she has lost. :(
Thanks for reading. :D
Thank you for reading. :D
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