Title: Daydream Believer Pairing: Adama/Roslin Rating: R Word Count: 300 words Warning: alcohol and brief "what-if" pertaining to cylon capture and torture Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
This is heartbreaking and tormenting. That Bill would be plagued by such horrendous dreams. I can understand why he might want to drink. Too bad there didn't seem to be any psychiatrists around in the fleet to address the underlying issues he might need to deal with here. (my childhood therapist always had me draw my nightmares and then tear up the pictures...worked wonders!).
The description of her cancer is terrifyingly beautiful. Nicely done.
I was in a terribly dark mood right before writing this, I should have maybe posted an angst warning... Ermm...
I am glad that the imagery was terrifying and tormenting for you; that is really what I was aiming for. I wanted to make the cancer a palpable thing for Bill.
Such heart stabby horribleness this one is!! I can't even say this is dark, it is BLACKNESS!! Great piece of writing especially the description of the cancer!! It makes me squirm just reading it!! You really should warn akachan to get teddy out of the room!!
Teddy is definitely going to have to work overtime to scare off angsty nightmares! :( I am glad that the cancer imagery resonated with you; I really wanted to make it into its own entity, palpable and real. Thanks for reading.
This breaks my heart. Your imagery is so vivid and also so painful--it works so well and rings so true in the BSG universe. Your ending is a very good take on the reasons for Adama's drinking.
Heartbreaking and so, so graphic. Poor Bill's regrets are as graphic as her cancer. I could see how those nightmares would have been formed and it's almost too horrible to imagine, but the subconscious will do what it wants. Interesting take on his drinking!
I am glad that everyone is finding this so graphic; mission accomplished! :P I've always been fascinated by his drinking and as a writer I enjoy exploring the reasons behind it. Thanks for reading. :D
Comments 10
I wonder if Bill would kill her if they were captured with that threat hanging over them.. I get the feeling she woud have to bring up the idea first.
I was aiming for grotesque, glad that I nailed it! :P Cancer is a cruel beast, that is for sure. :(
Thanks for reading.
This is heartbreaking and tormenting. That Bill would be plagued by such horrendous dreams. I can understand why he might want to drink. Too bad there didn't seem to be any psychiatrists around in the fleet to address the underlying issues he might need to deal with here. (my childhood therapist always had me draw my nightmares and then tear up the pictures...worked wonders!).
The description of her cancer is terrifyingly beautiful. Nicely done.
I am glad that the imagery was terrifying and tormenting for you; that is really what I was aiming for. I wanted to make the cancer a palpable thing for Bill.
Thank you for reading.
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