Title: A Step Forward
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 442 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for
somadanne's birthday. She wanted something set early in the series. Thank you to
nixmom for her beta.
“Madam Secretary?” Billy hands me a folder. “The file on Commander Adama that you asked for, M’am,” he says as I take his offering.
“Thank you Billy.”
I open the folder and am confronted with a photograph of a gruff looking man. His face is weathered and tough looking. His glare is captured in the black and white image; I can only imagine how he must intimidate the men and women of his crew.
I wonder if he’s one of those military men with an erratic temper; he certainly wouldn’t be the first trigger-happy soldier I’ve encountered. Perhaps that is why he is taking an early retirement, I glance at his file and see that he is only sixty years of age. The retirement age for most military men is sixty-five.
I look outside the window; I can see the Galactica as we approach her.
“William Adama,” I test his name on my tongue, it feels strangely familiar, like something I could get used to once again. If possible, I am dreading this meeting even more.
Billy is sitting next to me, eagerly awaiting a response from me. He’s a sweet boy; hardworking and ambitious, but never selfish or
cruel. He’s the only person in this universe that I feel I can truly rely on.
I sigh: “Let’s get this over with Billy.”
“Bill?” Saul peers around my quarters. I step out of the head and wipe the rest of the shaving cream from my face.
“This is the file you asked for, on Secretary Roslin,” he informs me.
I open the folder and see a photograph of an attractive middle-aged woman staring back at me. She looks polished in her business suit; proper and professional, I surmise that she’s a part of Caprica’s elitist and well-educated upper class. I wonder if she’s ever endured a day of hard and honest manual labor.
A quick glance at her portfolio tells me that she was a teacher for eleven years before getting involved in politics. She can’t be older than forty-five or fifty; I wonder how she got to her position in the government so quickly.
“Laura Roslin,” I test out her name. It’s very feminine, like her, but also strangely familiar. I find myself dreading this meeting slightly less.
I look at Saul, who is waiting to hear my first impression on her. I’m sure that he has a thing or two to say as well. Though I doubt that it is anything favorable; if possible, he hates politics and politicians even more than I do.
I glance at her photograph a final time.
“Let’s get this over with my friend.”