Title: The Guilty Witness
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: R
Word Count: 100 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for the
ar_drabbles's "crossroads" prompt. Thank you to
nixmom for all of her assistance.
My hand shakes as I reach out to grasp the tunic of his uniform. Anger capitulates my body; but it is the after affects of the doloxin that are responsible for the tremor.
I pull him close to me. I want him to see the dark circles under my eyes. I want him to smell the staleness of his lifestation on me.
My nails dig into the wool tunic. I want to pierce his flesh; I want to cause him pain. I want to draw blood.
I want him to bleed like I did all over that godsdamned witness stand.