I am normally not a very political person, but I was reading an article today about the Dixie Chicks, and that their new album is coming out tomorrow, May 23rd. Most country stations are banning their single "Not Ready to Make Nice" and some record stores are even refusing to sell their new album "Taking the Long Way".
These actions all stem from remarks that lead singer Natalie Maines made during a UK concert in 2003, saying they were "embarrassed" the President of the United states was from Texas. They stand firmly against the current Bush administration, and against the war in Iraq.
So this is a call to Dixie fans and non Dixie fans alike. Show your support of FREE SPEECH! Show that you are AGAINST the WAR and AGAINST our PRESIDENT! I am sending this out as far as it can go.
Tomorrow--- go to your nearest MUSIC STORE and purchase the new Dixie Chicks album "Taking the Long Way". Even if you are not a country music fan, show your support for them! Tell them, by your purchase, that you believe in freedom of speech. And you believe we should all be embarrassed of our President.
BUY THE ALBUM, and post a picture of yourself with the CD onto your LJ or MYSPACE entitled "I speak freely"