Buzzzzzzzzzing Around Town

Feb 07, 2005 17:11

Today has been pretty damn productive i have manged to get my physical, write my resume,hunt for jobs online as well as hit the pavement to collect apps, make my way to Washington Mutal to figure out what do do about my old fincial Aid and finally I AM GOING TO THE MINT TONIGHT WWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOO!

All this is just one day folks it is a damn record....

Otherwise im ok.... just doing alot of thinking about things about Louis and Edwin how simalr yet how diffrent they are and i had a flash on just would things be diffrent if me and Louis never broke up...would we be who we are or diffrent would we never have grown in any way shape or form?

And Edwin if everything that has happend didnt would i love him like i do? would we be close as we are....

I wonder.....yes folks as of now i am just looking at my life and im grateful for where i am and hope that this sense of self can at least stay for awhile

I will find love...either in Louis, Edwin or somewhere else but i will find it and most importantly i will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS AAAAALLLLWAYYYYS AAAAALLLLLLLLWWWWWWWYYYYYYSSSSSS KEEP EDWIN AND LOUIS BOTH close to my heart

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