You are the reason that I still believe

Jun 18, 2009 07:07

Today was another one of my many days where I woke up before my alarm and on lack of sleep.  I heard my parents up at 6:30am this morning, and knowing that I had an alarm set for 7:30am, for a reason I can't quite put my finger on I could not fall back asleep.  I clenched my pillow for a good half hour and closed my eyes, but my mind was racing with thoughts this morning, mostly about nonsense - Twilight, how Benny should work part-time at Best Buy while in school so he can get a discount off the TV he wants, how Simba is easier to sleep with than Scooter because he does not get bothered by outside noise, etc.  I really wish I knew how to settle my mind so I could get that extra hour of shut-eye, bringing me from 5 to 6 hours of sleep.  I think my body is trying to tell me to go to bed earlier on work/school days, and that was my intention.  I got in bed at 10:30PM last night, but with Benny here, I could talk to him for hours and never even notice how much time goes by.

I  am not even sure where I left off from my last journal entry.  Let's just start with something... anything.  Well, Friday (June 12) I woke up in the morning feeling fine.  It was around 9:00am, I brushed my teeth, put in my contacts, and went to do my daily browsing of the internet before I had to work.  I normally do not go into work on Fridays so I can have that one last day to do homework before class, but Diane had asked me for this one afternoon because Christina and Anita were both going to be off.  I sat on my computer for a half hour of so, when I got an instant burning sensation in my right eye.  Thinking an eyelash fell into my eye because the pain was sudden, I went into the bathroom to check my eye.  I had a difficult time keeping my eye open while I unsuccessfully tried to locate the eyelash, so I flushed my eye with saline solution.  That only seemed to make it worse.  My eye became so red that there was barely any white visible on the cornea.  When I got back from Disney, I thought I had conjunctivitis because my eye was enflammed.  However, it cleared up relatively quick and so I thought nothing more of it.  Now, a week and a half later, I was having problems again.  My mom called the eye doctor for an emergency appointment.  It was a good thing I went in, my doctor told me, as he looked at both my right and left eye and diagnosed me with keratitis.  Keratitis is a bacterial infection where my cornea was being attacked and causing "micro-ulcers" in my eye.  I have had one ulcer before in my right eye, and this scared me because if I got another ulcer I may never be able to get the LASIK surgery.  However, micro-ulcers just meant that they are not technically "small ulcers" but what the start of an ulcer could be but does not necessarily mean it will become one if treated.  Thankfully I got an appointment that day, because I could have ulcers all over both of my eyes at this point.  He thinks that contacts and the pool in Disney was probably the cause of my keratitis.  He gave me antibiotic eyedrops and told me no contacts until after the results from my check-up appointment the next Wednesday.  I hate wearing glasses, but I really had no other choice.  I went back Wednesday for my check-up, and though not 100% gone, the keratitis has definitely cleared up, and he said by Sunday or Monday, I could start wearing contacts again.

My life has been pretty good otherwise... hung out with Tiffany, hung out with Sarah, hung out with Allyson... you know, the usual for me.  I still haven't seen Andy since before his surgery.  Allyson I see the most, so we usually do whatever.  Tiffany and I just hung out and played Super Nintendo.  Sarah and I got beach pizza and went shopping for a bit.  I've gotten to go on two audits at S&P recently, which has definitely been nice.  I also have picked up a few Sunday hours at Market Basket again to get a few time-and-a-half hours, even though they pay shit to their part-timers.  Thankfully they are in the booth - I'm not sure if I could ever work up front again without going insane.  Everything is very different since I lasted work.  Jay is gone, X is gone, Diane is gone, basically all the department managers are gone, and there are so many new people that I do not know.  Sarah and I are going to surprise Jay during his lunch and go see him on Friday.  Things aren't the same with Jay/X/Diane gone.

So, probably the best part of my week.  I had been talking to Benny, and we planned that we would see each other early next week because this week was too hectic for him to come down.  He had all these appointments and plans that it would just be too hard to see him.  So Tuesday after work, I went into my room, popped "Just Like Heaven" to the DVD player and watched it while browsing the internet.  It didn't take too long before I fell into a deep sleep because I was exhausted from the long day.  The next thing I knew, I felt an arm gently touch my shoulder.  I woke up, disoriented, and basically blind because I didn't have my glasses on.  I rolled over, and saw a tall figure standing next to my bed holding flowers.  There was no doubt who it was.  I sprung up immediately and gave him the biggest hug and kiss that I possibly could.  I put on my glasses to finally see him, and the beautiful dozen roses he got me.  They were assorted - red, pink, white, and yellow - obviously from a nice flower shop because they were too perfect to be cheap.  I was completely shocked and excited by his surprise visit, and I have been on cloud 9 ever since.  Although this means I won't get to see him next week, it is better this way because he has to take the GMAT on the Saturday of next week (June 27), so he needs the week before to focus and crack down on studying.  I just think that it was really sweet of him to surprise me like that.  It's not easy for him to do, when he lives 3 hours away.  I am truly blessed to have such a caring, amazing man in my life.

Yesterday, Benny and I went to Kitty's Restaurant for lunch.  We got my dad a plate of Tripe because he loves it (could never in a million years tell you why).  We dropped it off back at home, and then went to Best Buy so Benny could buy a new wireless mouse.  We came back to my house and played games together, until we got a text from Durk asking if we wanted to get Texas Roadhouse tonight.  Durk and Beth picked us up from my house and we went, and it was of course absolutely delicious.  Then we went to the mall for the last half hour or so before it closed.  It sounds uneventful, but I am being particularly vague because I am running short on time.  It was a lot of fun.

This morning, I haven't been feeling that great.  I woke up with a stomach ache that won't seem to go away.  Hopefully it will soon, because I don't want me being sick to ruin the limited time I get with Benny, since he is leaving Saturday when I leave for class, at 7:30am.  We may go back to the mall today, but I'm not entirely sure of that.  Well, I would have to say that now I need to finish getting ready for work.  I just really hope to feel better...

God bless,
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