"get in the know, pedro"

Nov 24, 2004 11:43

My journal is called the all-consuming vagina because of a conversation my roommate crazy_syllable and i once had. We were talking about one of my ex-lovers, and the aura of simultaneous childishness and hot sexuality that she exudes. she's like, this really cute, ditzy, flirty, freckle-faced little girl- only with a zaftig figure (read: huge, gorgeous tits). we were describing the way she just seems to suck everyone in with her sexuality and sarah exclaimed, "God, she's like, the all-consuming vagina or something." i loved that phrase more than you can possibly imagine, milking it for all of its symbolic possibilities. so when sarah and i started our co-journal at my-diary.org, we named it that. and when i finally pussied out and got a livejournal i brought the name with me.

My subtitle is "[like ms. pacman or a snapping turtle, it destroys all in its path-] because: it describes the title.

My friends page is called "FBI's Most Wanted" because: you know, i am really not funny at all.

My username is defyapathy because: it again stems from many past discussions with sarah.  many times we bemoaned the advent of apathy on the "scene."  the whole "indie" movement that came through as a backlash to "emo"-only keeping the exact same stylistic features and most of the same music- except instead of crying about everything, they just didn't give a shit about anything. we'd go to shows, and everybody would be standing there, not moving. too fucking cool to do anything but smoke cigarettes and stare blankly. like they didnt even care about the music, they just went to show off how tight of pants of the opposite gender they could wear. like a fucking art fag fashion show. that makes me want to fucking vomit. i've always been a person with a lot of passion and feeling, and maybe sometimes i care too MUCH- but at least i'm alive, at least i have a fucking pulse. my username attempts to capture that, as briefly and tritely as it can.

My default userpic is: vagina dentata. again, the all-consuming vagina theme.  i find the latent subconscious male fear of the Yoni, a mythology that transcends time and culture, to be funny as all hell. CHOMP! hehe. but i dont hate penii, in fact i quite revere the large erect phallis in all its aesthetic, moist-panty-inducing glory. i <3 dick. but that mental image of an anthropomorphic vagina going "grr i am going to eat you!"  ...rofl.
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