
Nov 01, 2006 00:16

I have managed to stress myself way out! I have too much to do, and not enough time or motavation to do it.

It doesn't help with the lack of encouragement to do my work I get from around here. I say I'm going to skip a trip to iHop or something because I need to do homework, and I get laughed at and told that I don't have homework! Ok, maybe I don't have to open a book and legitamately study as much as you, but you try memorizing page and a half monolouges, several scenes from plays, all 2 tons of your choir music, try and learn how to play the piano, learn and memorize all of your voice lesson pieces and the rediculous amounts of techniques you were taught, and still have time to workout everyday catch the few tv shows I actually watch, and worry about what is going on at home, all while pretending to wear my happy face. Not an easy task!

I also love it when I am told sleep is overrated. Yes, I know I am in bed before most, but what people don't really get is my body needs a lot of time to of the negatives of MD. If I don't get a good amount of rest, I can quite litterally shut down. Sleep is also my temporary escape from my problems and all of the shit I have to do when I wake up. I get my sleeping done at night so I don't lay in bed during the day. I feel worse about things if I do that.

Ok, that's enough of my pissy rant.

On the plus side, I can't wait for Forum to open so I can see all of my girls in hooker costumes and watch Eric be amazing as always. :-) I really need to get into a show (as if I really need to add more to my plate and stress level). I miss it!

Tomorrow starts November! I turn 20 in 14 days. Man...I'm old.

Time to sleep some of this shitty mood away.
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