I rarely get the urge to update this, mainly because I know that know one reads it and I don't really like to my life "out there" for all to see. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about politics lately, unsurprisingly, and I just really hate that it's just so horrible to lean left in this country. I don't really like either candidate for the United States presidency, but if I had to choose, Barack Obama is definitely the smarter choice. I love how people call him a socialist. I don't think people know what socialism is. I think they just associate countries that call/have called themselves socialists with the word socialism and think that they are related somehow. As far as I know, one form of government alone has never been enacted in all it's ideology, but I feel like socialism has never even come near to anything that was written about by academics. Not to mention communism, something so out there in ideals it could never be employed on human beings as we know them. Anyways, I tend to think that a lot of socialistic ideas make complete sense to me, especially
production for use .
Putting politics aside, I am now the proud owner of an Apple IIe enhanced with a duodisk and monitor II that I plan on learning to program. I bought it to go with an eventual Kurzweil 150FS and there was a very rare Passport Designs MIDI interface up for auction at the same time. Unfortunately I won the computer and not the card, which sold for as much as the computer. It's in really good shape though, and I see they still make expansion cards and software for it, which is pretty amazing. Found out it uses an open design, meaning it's really easy to customize the computer to your own needs. Apparently that was something Wozniak felt was important, because that stopped when Jobs started calling the shots, not to mention the start of the marketing department doing the engineering.
Musically, I've added a Kawai K5m and an XD-5 to my setup. I've built a ROM switching board for my R-100 thanks to the information at
Burnkit2600 and
exfade.org , which hosts the binaries. Now I have the R50, R50e, and R100 all at my disposal in one machine.
Also, found a really good livejournal
ontd political which is part of the reason why I'm updating at this time. Apparently I don't post enough to be allowed a member, so perhaps some motivation to post more often. Who knows.