ok ok i'll update

Mar 24, 2009 13:49

Kat Khommarath is now following me on Twitter. Weird. How do these people find me? Anyway, even though I have a ton of entries I haven't posted (I'll get to an omnibus entry some time), I'll put up a placeholder.

I just came back from Shinsengumi. It's a restaurant nearby which specializes in Hakata Ramen. Yummy! The best part is that you can fill up on noodles whenever you want. If you've ever eaten ramen with me before this, it's my number one complaint. Not enough noodles. This place is like heaven.

Speaking of which, Left 4 Dead. The game I never knew I'd always been waiting for. It combined several things I love. It's based on the Source engine, which means it more or less plays like Counter-Strike. Can't say I'm bad at that. Then, it pits me against zombies. Hang around for more than three minutes and you'll get an earful about zombies from me (and/or Ash). Finally, it's co-op. It's not someone winning or a team winning (unless you play Versus, which I don't), it's either your team makes it or doesn't. Turns out I can lead pretty well, something I've always known (shut up, I'm cocky), so giving orders and having people FOLLOW is awesome. This game is made of win.

To run this, I've upgraded my comp. Spent more than six hundred doing so. Actually, a third of that was spent on an INCREDIBLE 22 inch widescreen monitor. I've never been into huge widescreen monitors since, frankly, I've never had the hardware to support it. It takes power to move a screen of this size, power I now have. AMD's Phenom 9600 Quad-Core drives my bad ass ATI Radeon HD 4870, a monster of a videocard. I chose that word carefully, it barely fits in the case. My hard drives needed to be relocated to accommodate the card.

Couple that with a Razer Lycosa gaming keyboard (a birthday present from Ash), the re-released Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 (the best gaming mouse EVER), and my Platronics DSP-500's (which I found buried somewhere, they still work!!!), and a HUGE table, my gaming environment is complete. There is nothing wanting.

And I got a Left 4 Dead hat.

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