Entheogen Garden Update!

Jun 29, 2006 20:08

I know how much these updates mean to the general public.. so here you go!

Two more Salvia plants came today, along with 3 Mexican Morning Glory's, and a Chives (supposed to be a pest repellent). I had to get rid of my Gotu Kola unfortunetly because it was infested with spider mites and I didn't want any mites getting into the other plants. I have noticed a couple little crawling bastards in my other plants, but after spraying with an insecticidal soap, they seem to be under control.

Unfortunetly, my Mimosa seeds didn't germinate either, I'm waiting for my supplier to get a new crop of viable seeds in before I attempt to plant another.

Good ole chives... (hashbrowns anyone?)

Mexican Morning Glory

My baby Salvia's! Awww how cute !!!!

My first Salvia... Alive and well! :)

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