Woot! I got the rest of my plants in the mail the other day. 2 Wormwood, 2 Gotu Kola, and 2 Salvia Divinorum. All very healthy!.. Well.. except for one. One of the Salvia plants came partially severed near the base of the leaves. The good news is they'll grow back, but I was a tad disappointed I didn't have TWO fully developed Salvia's. Woe is me.
Other than that, Im pretty happy with them. In the pictures you'll notice I have the Salvia plants in a plastic bag. Reason being is that apparently Salvia plants are known to attract spider mites and other pests, so until I know for sure the plants don't have any of those little bastards (that can potentially kill ALL the plants in my house) they'll be quarantined in the plastic bag!
In Vancouver news, my Mom and I are flying to Vancouver in 2 weeks to look for a place to live! Ahhh #@!@#^ It's all so exciting!
Morning Glory
Gotu Kola
Salvia Divinorum (you can see the second plant stem to the left.. *sniff*)