Apr 09, 2005 00:09
Today i worked from 7-2:25 at 7 eleven. I pretty much got down the cash register, its pretty simple. And I think im a slow learner. So im pretty much just learning everything there, the only thing that worries me is the fucking lotto, that thing always throws me off. ill just have to get used to it. Feels a little awkward working with new people, but im gettig to know them. Renee is really cool, shes delightfully sarcastic and bitchy in a nice way. I had to stock gatorade today and apparantly i was fast at it, so thats cool i hope they dont think im worthless.
Angel called me up today and invited me to go eat with her, amy, mike, tamara, and friends (cant remember names =() at le bellas. ravioli!!!!
I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way
Tupac is alive, why cant Kurt Cobain or Jim Morrison come back?