May 12, 2004 21:48
I've been eating ALL day. I have not ate this much in forever. I had a salad for lunch, some cheetoes, another salad for dinner, and a bowl of strawberries...... OK maybe it wasnt THAT much but it sure feels like it. My dad took me grocery shopping the other nite and i got lots of fruits and vegetables and stuff. I'm trying to lay off the junk for awhile. Gotsta lose some weight for the summer.
This whole no car thing is really becoming a pain. For me and my parents and everybody. I usually don't get off work til about 1 or 2 in the morning, and i have finals this week, i am getting a haircut tmw. And i know my dad is sick of driving me around. Hopefully i'll get my car back soon. I dunno.
Umm Luke is prolly getting a 2000 Blazer tomorrow. He did the 24 hour test drive and he loves it. His college graduation thingy is on Fryday, and he's pretty excited.
I'm moving in for good next week. Whitney is moving out so i get her room. Should be fun.
Thats about it. My last final is on Fryday. I got anally raped by my astronomy final today. Ugh. OK I'm done. Nite nite. =O)