Dec 25, 2003 22:49
I have the best friends ever.
I really do.
Things I got for Z-mas (that's what we call it in Zillah...ok just I call it that. Ok that's the first time I've called it that.)
In order of coolness-
-Bronco (football) pencils even though I don't watch them
-stereo for my bling bling
-coffee maker fo shizzle
-Backstreet Boys "Millenium" cd which I am trading for store credit at off the record. the best part is my great aunt (who is like 76) got the cd in a gift exchange and then regifted it to me.
-Post It's...lots of them
-microwave that goes ding ding
-helmet. I thought it came with a mountain bike, then I realized it was for my snowboard. I almost said "Oh man you got me a bike, AWESOME!" but thankfully I didn't.
I just want a typewriter.
and a Nintendo (an old one so I can play Duck Hunt).
I hope you kids had a good day. Come to the show this weekend because I miss your cute little faces.