The Wedding Day

Feb 15, 2004 18:16

Our Wedding was Yesterday afternoon, and now im learning how to type while wearing a Ring..

The thing about big events like this, is that their done before you even know it, and people try and tell you but its hard to understand until your done planning..

Saturday Morning didnt feel like a Wedding day, because i slept as good as any, and i didnt have any wierd dreams related to the wedding, but i did have dreams, just like last night..

I was dropped off at my Mom and Dads house around TenThirty, and my Dad was just getting home from work, so we went in together after i kissed Rachael and baby goodbye, because the next time i saw her, itd be when she walked towards me in her dress..

Since i was there so early, me and my brother went to Andover and got flowers for Sarah, and then we went to McDonalds for BigMacs just like last weekend, and Rachael called and said she was just in Augusta too washing the Car and then we wished eachother luck on getting ready for the Wedding..

Once we were back home, we ate and then i started to get dressed in my old room while Aaron and me talked, and then Sarah got there, and my Dad started puttin my tie together and then he put it on me and we were ready to go..

The way there was great, and even though we did take one wrong turn, we got there only a minute late, and we sat at her Grandmas house, which is right by the ClubHouse, and we waited for the Judge to get there, and before we knew it, he arrived..

We all walked over to the ClubHouse and when i walked in i was surprised by how great Rachael and Sarah had made it look, and it wasnt anything like id expected..
I went and introduced myself to the Judge and he was a really nice tall man and beyond friendly, so we made the plans and before i knew it, it was time for one of the biggest events of my life to start..

The music started, and Rachael walked through the viel and looked better than iv ever seen her..
This is when it got intense, and i thought i was gonna lose it, but i couldnt stop smiling when her Mom walked her towards me, and i instantly held her hand once she got to me, and then it was time to get married..

The Judge started in on the lines we all know, and we said our I Do's and it all seemed to go fast except when we had to repeat after him, which was one of the longer parts, but after that was done, he pronounced us Man and Wife..
He then told us to turn around and face everyone, and he introduced us under the same last name, and that was it, we were married..

After the most important part of the Wedding, we all gathered around for Cake and signed the papers for the Judge before he bumped his head on the way out the door..
While eating cake we had good times and good eats, and we were all smiles, and then it was time to open presents, which wernt expected, but we got a lot of money that was needed, and even a bottle of champagne..

Once we were all done talking for about an hour, they all walked us out to our Car, which was writin on by her Sister and had all kinds of things streamin from it..
We got our things in the car, which was now loaded, and then said bye to Baby and Family and road off to enjoy the rest of the Night..

The Hotel was nicer than any id ever seen, in fact its actually one of the nicest in the State.
I was surprised when we got there and found out we get free valet parking because we just got married, and then we looked around the Hotel before getting in our room and popping the first champagne bottle which was offered with our Valentines Package..

We kinda got a buzz goin on, so we decided to go walk around and look out the windows on the other side of the Hotel on our same level cuz we were way up there, and then we went and toured the Hotel before goin back to our room and thats when i gave Rachael her Valentines Present which she totally didnt expect, and it was a Necklace with a heart, and so she put it on and we made our way to eat with my Brother and Sarah..

On the way to meet them at Italian Garden, we saw my friend Ryan and i could just tell by the way he drove, and i honked and honked before he finally looked, and we told him we just got married and said wed stop by the House later.. which is the same house Seth lives at..

Dinner at Italian Garden was great, and i got the most expensive meal iv ever treated myself to, which was of course steak, and normally i wouldnt of done it, but it was my Parents treat, and so we all ate great and then we got to see Sarahs engagement ring, because Aaron finally popped the question to her that afternoon after the wedding at Sarah house..

We said goodbye to my Brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law, and then we went to Seths place, but he wasnt there so we just talked to the people we did know and then we left and went to our Hotel where we watched Red Shoe Diaries and played of course, but then we realized how full we were, and decided just to drink champagne..

After a few drinks, we went down to the very bottle level and tried to get in the HotTubs, but there was old people in one, and young people in the other and we didnt wanna seem wierd so we just swam for a while before finally getting in one, and then this girl was real nice and asked if she could just put her feet in, and we ended up talking to her for a long time and it was nice, but then we got too steamy in the HotTub, so we got back to our Rooms and took a shower..

Once we drank a bottle of Champagne, got in the HotTub and took a shower, we were only in the mood to lay in bed, which sucked cuz we had planned on playing alot, but we didnt let it get to us, and we just watched HBO before finally going to Bed at OneThirty..

This Morning when we woke up around TenThirty and got ready real quick so we could get our free Breakfast in the cafe..
The Cafe was really nice and they had all kinds of breakfast and i had a custom omelet and then we had lots of chocolate stuff from the chocolate fountain, and then i got a tummy ache and we went back to our rooms and packed and then laid and watched a lil bit of Daredevil before finally leaving our nice room..

When we checked out, i forgot my shoes on the counter, so those are gone, but then we got our car back and went over to her Grandmas again and met with Baby there when her Mom and Sarah showed up, so we sat around and talked for a while, then her Aunt got there from out of town and we talked all about the wedding before finally going home..

The ride home was funny because people kept driving by and being happy, and we forgot our back window said just married, of course..
We stopped by Gambinos and saw Amy, who gave us free food, and then we made our way home and unpacked..
I was in a wierd mood at first when we got home, but then Mark called and we talked and that cheered me up, and then Me and Rachael watched the Wedding Video and that made me happier, and then i rearranged our room a lil and put our lava lamp in there, and that made me happier, and then my Mom called and we talked forever, and that made me happiest..

Now im finally gettin on here to write about this very long weekend, and im finally finishing up this very long entry..
If you read all this, im sorry for all the details, but i wanted to remember all the big moments and i wanted to explain them to you as best i can..

So thats it, my Wedding Weekend..
Now im married, and i will be for the rest of my Life..

To the greatest girl in the World..

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