A Baby Story

Sep 13, 2003 23:10

Bradley Skye Boykin

Born: September 12th, 2003 at 12:45 PM
Weight: 9lbs 1oz
Length: 20 inches

With details like that, theres no doubt about it, Baby is finally here, and my life has changed completely..

It all started Thursday night around 9:45, when Rachael and me were laying in bed talking..
Her contractions started earlier in the day, but she didnt really notice them until this time, and they were five minutes apart, but we decided to wait through the night and see how things went..
It was a long long night, especially for her.. i had some sleep, but it was off and on, and totalled about Three Hours.
Around 6:15 we called the Hospital and then talked to Dr Nightengale who told us to come up and theyd have a Bed ready.. so we went to McDonalds and i ate breakfast while we cuddled, and then we went and registered into Susan B Allen Hospital..

We wanted to know for sure that she was in Labor before we called anyone, so luckily we found out that Baby was indeed on the way so that we could get my Brother and Rachaels sister from needing to bother with even going to the school, cuz we knew theyd be leaving soon to come up to the Hospital..

When i called my Mom i acted like nothing much was going on, but i couldnt hold it in very long, and when i told her thats when i really realized how awesome this all was, and i got really giddy and of course she did too, and then i talked to my Brother, who had just been fixing to go to school..

The next two hours were spent trying to get her contractions closer together, so that she would get dialated, and it went really fast and by the time her Mom and Sister got there, she was getting closer and closer to Delivery..
My mom called and told me that my Dad was home, and i told them to go ahead and come up to the Hospital cuz things were happening quick..

My Family got to the Hospital around Ten AM, and when i got back to the 3rd Floor with my Family, Rachaels Mom informed me that Rachael had dialated to 8 and they were moving her to the Delivery Room..
This is when i started getting very very excited, cuz i had no idea it would happen this quick..

Me, Rachael, her Mom, Sister, My Mom and Dad, and my Brother all waited in the Delivery Room with her while Contractions got closer together, and the Nurses got everything ready for Baby..
Dr Nightengale got there around 10:45, and we got prepared and decided that Me and her Mom and Sister would stay in the room through Birth, since the only room was in front of the Bed, so it wasnt practical, but luckily the Door was close to the Bed, so theyd be able to hear everything through the Door and peak now and then..

By 11:30, her Grandma, Duane and some other Relatives were all gathered out in the Hallway while i sat with Rachael and helped her through the contractions, which got really hard when they decided to speed things up by breaking her water, since she was already dialated to Nine, and once this happened, things happened very quick and everything was very very intense..

I cant really explain the thoughts going through my head, but i remember thinking i would be able to not cry when he got here, and i remember being scared i wouldnt be able to support Rachael enough, but luckily Rachael was very strong, and she didnt even need an epidural or any kind of pain killers.. everything happened Natural..

Finally the Doctor saw Babies head, and thats when i knew i wasnt gonna be able to not cry when he got here..
The nurse that had been with us since the begginging told me my job was to turn off the AC once Baby was almost here, so i felt special to help, and i did a good job, but not nearly as good as Rachael who was finally starting to show how hard it was to push through the contractions..
She pushed for about Thirty minutes, and still managed to laugh and smile at times, and i know theres no way i could of done what she did, but she did it, and did it well..

Baby finally came into this world at 12:45..
I couldnt believe what i was seeing, the most beautiful thing id ever seen, and he was all ours, and he was so perfect, everything was perfect, and i couldnt of held back tears even if id tried, cuz it was the most amazing thing id ever witnessed, and my life changed when his begun..

He laid on Rachaels tummy while they fixed everything up and took care of her, and i cut his Cord for him, and then he started his breastfeeding right away, which got him close his Mommy right away..
Our Families were outside all in tears when they heard his first small cries, and amazingly he didnt cry hard for almost ten or fifteen minutes..

After Rachael got cleaned up, Everyone finally got to come in and see him, and lots of pictures were taken, and lots of tears were had..
They all hard lots of compliments for Baby and Rachael, especially since Rachael had gone all natural and was still not complaining..
We spent about an Hour being with Baby, and then he had to get tests taken, so slowly people started to leave, and we had moments to ourselves with him, but not for long.. throughout the day there were people in and out, especially after we got moved to the room wed be staying in..

Since id never been around a Baby this much, and the whole thing was so new to me, i learned something new with each little minute, and it made it that much more special for me, especially when i learned how to hold him different ways..
The best thing though was when he opened his eyes while i was holding him for the first time, and looked right at me, and he had the cutest blue eyes.. i just couldnt believe he was so much me and so much Rachael.. and just PERFECT..

Finally we got some sleep around 1am, after the nurses took him..
Wed been up for a long time, and the sleep was well deserved, but of course it was off and on because they brought baby to be fed, and these were the moments when i learned how to be content in having my sleep interupted, and i even had to go outside to roll up my windows cuz i looked outside and it was raining.. but it was nice walking out there and just thinking about how amazing Life is right now..

I woke up this Morning when they brought Baby to be fed, and I decided that id go ahead and go to my Grandpas Funeral, like i knew i should but didnt know if id be able to..
Rachael said shed use the time i was gone to take a shower and take care of baby, and i needed the time to reflect anyways.. so i drove out into the rain and went home before going and meeting up with my Parents, then we drove to Wichita and we were of course late for the Funeral, which really sucked, but im glad we made it..

Going to a Funeral at a time like this was such a wierd thing, and a very unique experience, and my Family was all so glad i had the respect for my Grandpa to come after such an intense day, and they all wanted to know how it went, but the main focus of course was Grandpa..
I really lost it and started crying hard when I was listening to my Uncle talk about my Grandpa, and then i thought about when Baby was born, and realized that this would probly prove to be the most amazing 24 hours of my Life, and i started crying from sadness and happiness at the same time..

The Funeral was as nice as it could be for a Funeral, especially since the Pastor had been my Grandpas Pastor, and my Grandpa was a Pastor.. so there was a personal connection..
After the Funeral the Family was asked to stand at the front, and everyone walked by and shook our hand and talked to each of us, and at the end of it was my Mom Dad, my Grandpa.. and the whole time i just couldnt wait to get to him, cuz he was so excited for me and we shared a good Moment, and it made it all worth the trouble it was to leave Baby..

Before we left i got to talk to all my Family Members about Baby, but in particular i talked to my Cousins Husband, who just became a Father for the third time last Month, so we shared a connection and i talked to him for about thirty minutes, and eventually the conversation turned to Video Games.. Final Fantasy in particular.. and it was great sharing the talk with him..

On the way home with my Brother and Sarah we stopped and got some food and then stopped at Payless Optical to see Seth for a moment, and i saw Missys sonagram, and then we left so i could get Rachael a Rose, and then when we got to my parents house i changed and hurried back to the Hospital to see Baby..

Back with Baby, i took a short nap while he slept since hed just been fed, and then the Dr came to circumsize him, which gave us some more time to sleep before people started to come back to see him..
My brother got there around Three, and we went to fill Rachael perscriptions for her, and we had time while they got filled so we went to get some Coffee and share some more time together, and it was great time spent indeed, cuz these past few days have been definitive, and he understands perfectly..

We got back to the Hospital and ate Dinner, and then her Sister got there to visit a while, and right after she left we noticed that Keven James was on Comedy Central, which is probly my favorite stand up special ever, so we watched that, and then Baby got his check ups before we were to take him Home..

Finally everything was good to go, so we packed up the Car and i called my Mom and told her and Dad to head over to our House to see Baby come home..
We were finished up at the Hospital by the Nurse who ran the Lamaze class, so it was extra special, and then Baby had his first short car ride home..

We got home and the neighbors were outside being loud on the phone, but we made the most out of this amazing event, and it was perfect, we got lots and lots of pictures of Baby with the sign my Family had put on the door before going up to the Hospital on Friday, and then we went inside for the first time with Baby, and Kitty got to know Baby..
My Parents stayed for about half an hour and played with Baby, who was amazingly still in a good mood even though he hadnt eaten in a few hours..

Finally he was ready to eat, so my Parents left, and i uppacked the Car, and then we spent time with Baby in his Room that he was finally able to see, and everything was perfect, but still totally intense..

Rachael gave me a break from all the craziness by having me go McDonalds, where i bragged in drive thru about my Baby, and told them to tell my friend from childhood who worked there about Baby being born, and then i went home to eat and watch my precious child sleep..

Thats when i got to this point, where iv finally gotten the time to record the most amazing event in my life.. the one thing that this has all led up to, and now Hes here, and im the happiest Dad alive..

Im also the most tired Dad alive, and so is Baby and Rachael.. so im finally going to end this, and finally going to go lay in our Bed and sleep as long as we can until Baby wakes up..

And thats the Story of his Life..
This is how it happened, in tired detail.. but fresh detail..

This is my Babies Story..
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