I'm back to my old self... not posting and all...

Aug 13, 2004 10:11

The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy. Between visiting museums, walking all over Montreal and overcoming my fear of rivers the computer hasn't seen much of me. Although I don't mind that at all for some reason. I am starting to realize I could definitely go without tv and a computer if my life was simply packed with fun outdoorsy things to do. Bah, maybe it's also the fact that I associate work with being at the computer so the motivation to actually get even close to it simply does not exist.

I finally got my vacation... according to many and for many reasons including weather forecasts I should have picked last week instead of this one, but oh well.

The article still hasn't been submitted but soon enough it will. Tuesday we headed off to St-Raymond, Quebec for our little adventure in the river, followed by camping overnight in St-Leonard and a quick visit the next day to Quebec city. That was the plan.

We woke up pretty early... 5am. Everyone was pretty groggy and grumpy. It's a really nice drive... lots of wide open fields, not a lot of traffic. We reached st-raymond around 10:00am, the sky looked threatening. On the drive to the river we were surrounded by fog that still hadn't burnt out. The high humidity and the various little rivers and lakes in the area kept it around until noon. It looked cloudy for most of the morning, we thought we would probably get some rain before the end of our trip down the river.

At our first stop we got the chance to enjoy the beauty of an amazingly tall waterfall, the sun was now out and the skies were clear. A couple of class one rapids numbed my bum and made my heart race a little but after those it became a pretty relaxing trip. We even got a family of ducks to come up to our canoe and accompany us for a little while. Great pics!

As soon as we left the river... literally... the drops start to fall. Now we had an evening in a wet tent to look forward to. Kiki and I even left in the middle of the night to sleep in the car.

We were so tired the next morning that we scratched out the Quebec visit of our plans. Instead we visited St-Raymond, the little town. Kiki introduced us to some of her old friends and we got acquainted with a town that I will definitely want to go back to again.

Back to Montreal. I check my email the next morning. I scream and wake up Alex. I got it! I got it! I said. He smiles, he knew exactly what I was talking about. I got the scholarship from Portugal I had applied for in June. Now if only the department takes that into consideration. I really hope so.

I must have missed updating, or just plainly missed writing... this is a long post. Ok, I'll stop here. The vacation is not over yet, there will be more to update. The rain keeps falling outside though. I wonder what we'll do today...
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