"I'm not the kind of guy who can take breaks, sorry. I go to school non-stop, work non-stop."
I'm used to how his life is, but being used to something doesn't mean I ever came to like it. I don't get hurt, though I used to think it was because of me, I don't even think disappointed is the right word. I handle it so much better now, knowing his situation and that it's not out of choice. I accept it and I accept him, but it doesn't mean that I'm not jealous or envious of other couples who seem to have more "normal" relationships and actually have time to go on dates. I basically need to make an appointment in advance to go out with him, haha. But then again, that's normal protocol for any and all people with friendships, right? The only people with flawless relationships and schedules are people who don't exist in real life.
This summer is interesting because I'm able to sleep over but it's not as often as I'd like because of his family. Honestly, sleeping over doesn't really make up for how limited the time we spend together actually is - once a week, many times just once every two. Not a big deal during the school year when I'd hardly notice, but summer time? And no, we do not have the luxury to go out and spend/waste an entire day with each other, most times it is just a short dinner or television show. Weekends are off-limits due to work schedules, now that's a bummer. It's tough to always sacrifice a weekend, people take it for granted.
I haven't been to his house in over two months, and he has two amazingly cute dogs, Boomer and
Little Dude. If you know me, you know I love small dogs and right now I just want to kidnap them because I need a dog in my life.
I barely spend much time with friends, let alone him. I know people are off doing their own thing, working, going on trips, spending time with their own so's. It's going to be another non-vacation considering I'm taking four summer classes by the time July starts. But hey, at least I'm not one of those people that are constantly with and gabbing about their significant other.