Yuugiou Sims

May 28, 2009 13:21

So two weeks ago I finally gave Jake back his Sims 2 CD. I borrowed it from him sometime last October and I figured it was time to give it back, seeing as I wasn't playing it much anymore.

I know that Yuugiou sims are hard to find, so I thought I would post where I found the stuff to make most of my ygo sims.

I listed everything by character to make things easier. I have listed the links where you can download the parts for each character.

I don't know how experienced you happen to be with the sims but all you have to do is download the file, extract it with winrar, put it in your downloads folder and then open the sims body shop and click "build sim". Then you can select the different parts you have downloaded to make the sim and click save. If you load your sims game and go to create a family and you click this one icon next to "random" (the picture of the dice) where it says like pre-made or custom sims or something, a window pops up with all the sims you made in body shop, so you just click the character that you made and then it comes up on the create a family screen.

For each of my sims I start with the Ryou Bakura sim as a base in Body Shop. Then I change the eye color, hair, outfit, etc. to match to the character I am trying to make. After that I might adjust their face, but usually only a tiny bit... that's why most of my sims faces look the same.

Ready? Let's begin! :D

Bakura Ryou (adult)

Note: The majority, if not all of this sim was made by LunarEclipse.
You can download most of the parts here: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?goto=newpost&t=100480.

SKIN: Use the skin that comes with the Ryou sim. Download link above.
EYES: The eyes come with the whole Ryou Bakura package (listed above)
HAIR: Mesh: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?p=824821#post824821
EYEBROWS: The ones that come with the RB sim.
MAKEUP: Comes with it (eyeliner and [generic] eyeshadow).
GLASSES: Sennen ring mesh: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?p=824834#post824834
CLOTHING: The first outfit (blue school outfit) is a recolor I made (see below: Kaiba's Blue Ep 1 School Outfit), and the second is the one that comes with the Ryou Bakura sim.

Yami no Bakura (adult)

Note: The majority, if not all of this sim was made by LunarEclipse.
You can download most of the parts here: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?goto=newpost&t=100480.

SKIN: Same as Ryou's; download link above.
EYES: The eyes come with the Yami no Bakura sim (listed above)
HAIR: Mesh: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?p=824821#post824821
EYEBROWS: The ones that come with the YnB sim.
MAKEUP: Comes with it (eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick).
GLASSES: Sennen ring mesh: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?p=824834#post824834
CLOTHING: The clothing shown in the picture is a recolor of the Bakura clothing that comes with LunarEclipse's YnB. I just changed the stripes and edited the color of the blue shit a little bit. You can find my recolor here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4R6R660P.

Mazaki Anzu (adult; teen clothes also pictured)

Note: The majority, if not all of this sim was made by LunarEclipse.
You can download most of the parts here: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=102524.

SKIN: Same as Ryou's/Download link above.
EYES: The eyes come with the Anzu sim. (listed above)
HAIR: Mesh: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?p=840026#post840026
EYEBROWS: The ones that come with the sim (thin brows).
MAKEUP: Comes with it (eyeliner & pale gloss lipstick).
CLOTHING: The first clothing (left picture), I found on thesims2.com made by Karribuhater59, but the only problem is that it's only available for teens. I made all my sims adults, so when I make Anzu I just use the clothes that came with her from LunarEclipse (shown in the right picture).

Kawai Shizuka (adult; teen clothes also pictured)

Note: The majority, if not all of this sim was made by LunarEclipse.
You can download most of the parts here: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=102524.
(Shizuka is basically the same as Anzu)

SKIN: Download link above.
EYES: The eyes come with the Shizuka sim (they are the same as Ryou's eyes).
HAIR: Mesh: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?p=840026#post840026. The hair might look weird in Body Shop, but as you can see from the side view, it shows up fine in the game.
EYEBROWS: The ones that come with the sim (thin brow).
MAKEUP: Comes with it (eyeliner & pale gloss lipstick).
COSTUME MAKEUP: The little tuft of hair (it comes with the sim)
CLOTHING: The first clothing (left picture), I found on thesims2.com made by Karribuhater59, but the only problem is that it's only available for teens. I made all my sims adults, so when I make Shizuka I just use the clothes that came with her from LunarEclipse (shown in the right picture). I could probably do a quick recolor to make the adult shirt look like the teen shirt, but I am just lazy and quite frankly I never use Shizuka in my game anyway. ;D

Mutou Yuugi (adult)
(left to right): Duelist Kingdom outfit, Battle City Outfit

SKIN: I used "Anime-ish peach" skintone that came with LunarEclipse's Ryou Bakura sim.
EYES: For the eyes in the picture, I recolored the eyes that come with LunarEclipse's Ryou Bakura sim. You can download my recolor here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3500TG33.
HAIR: You can download the hair mesh here: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=106853. And the recolor of the hair by immicolia here: http://www.seventh-star.net/amc_old/yugioh/downloads.html. This hair for teens does not have the spikes so it looks kind of strange, in my game I just made Yuugi as an adult so the hair has spikes and looks like his hair does in the anime.
EYEBROWS: Generic maxis eyebrows.
MAKEUP: I used eyeliner from the Ryou Bakura/Yami no Bakura sim made by Lunar Eclipse.
COSTUME MAKEUP: I made the little tuft of hair as costume makeup. Download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TRAZ12L7.
GLASSES: The choker he is wearing falls under this category. I found this on my own, if you go to Rosesims2.net -> Download -> Accessories -> Page 13, you will see a black choker that looks like Yuugi's, just download that, it works for all ages and genders.
CLOTHING: For my clothing, I recolored an existing maxis outfit. You can download my recolors here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WI4IBGD8 (Duelist Kingdom outfit) & http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3XKE55ZK (Battle City outfit).

Yami no Yuugi (adult)
Battle City Outfit (the episode where Yami goes on a date with Anzu)

SKIN: See "Mutou Yuugi".
EYES: Recolor of LunarEclipse's Yami no Bakura eyes. Download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W4MI8UTT.
HAIR: It's basically the same hair as Yuugi's, only if you look at the side view, you can see that I added those lightning thingies on it. My recolor with the lightning thingies added can be found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K8GJZM0G.
EYEBROWS: Generic maxis eyebrows.
MAKEUP: Use the eyeliner from the Ryou Bakura/Yami no Bakura sim made by Lunar Eclipse.
GLASSES: See "Mutou Yuugi".
CLOTHING: Shirt mesh can be found here: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=56236. My recolor of the shirt (edited the alpha channels to get rid of the tattoos/nail polish it comes with, changed color of wristbands & added arm band) can be found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9Q6UGYOD. The pants can be found here: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=52979. I used the one with the cross buckle/studded belt.

Kaiba Seto (adult)

Green Haired Kaiba

SKIN: See "Mutou Yuugi"
EYES: Recolor (yellow) of LunarEclipse's Yami no Bakura eyes. Found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TVRDCOAP.
HAIR: Make sure you have the mesh for the hair for Kaiba: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=121784. Once you have the mesh, you can download my green recolor right here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QTMONIHX.
EYEBROWS: Recolor of generic maxis eyebrows. Download the green recolor here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IGRQ0OXW.
MAKEUP: For Kaiba I like to use the basic eyeliner that comes with the game, and just make his eyelashes really long instead of using the Bakura eyeliner.
CLOTHING: Make sure you download the adult Gakuran mesh from http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=123052. My recolor of the Gakuran can be found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YZIYL8SO.

Regular Kaiba

(left to right): episode 1 school outfit, Duelist Kingdom outfit, Pre-Battle City Outfit (purple trenchcoat), Battle City Outfit, KC Grand Prix Suit

SKIN: See "Mutou Yuugi"
EYES: Recolor (blue) of LunarEclipse's Yami no Bakura eyes. Found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A9B57QSS.
HAIR: The hair for Kaiba can be found here: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=121784, use the brown one obviously.
EYEBROWS: Generic maxis eyebrows.
MAKEUP: See makeup for "Green-Haired Kaiba".
CLOTHING: All of his outfits are recolors I made/modified out of existing recolors/meshes. I will list them below.

1. Ep 1 Blue School Outfit
mesh: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=123052
recolor: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OGOG8UMB (recolor of rence's Gakuran)

2. Duelist Kingdom Outfit (blue trenchcoat)
mesh: not needed, it comes with the game.
recolor: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9LLOK28Z (modified version of Karribuhater59's recolor)

3. Pre-Battle City Outfit (purple trenchcoat)
mesh: not needed, it comes with the game.
recolor: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ITHQANA0 (modified version of Karribuhater59's recolor)

4. Battle City Outfit (white trenchcoat)
mesh: not needed, it comes with the game
recolor: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6TW2OBFP (modified version of Karribuhater59's recolor)

5. KC Grand Prix Suit
mesh: I'm pretty sure it comes with the game
recolor: made by immicolia at: http://www.seventh-star.net/amc_old/yugioh/downloads.html

Kaiba Mokuba (teen)

SKIN: See "Mutou Yuugi"
EYES: Recolor (grey) of LunarEclipse's Ryou Bakura eyes. Found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QXHQRQU6.
HAIR: Make sure you have the mesh for the hair for Ryou Bakura (see above). I used the same mesh, I just recolored it to make it black like Mokuba's hair. Download my black recolor here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MWPKLQQ2.
EYEBROWS: Generic maxis eyebrows.
MAKEUP: I made his eyelashes really long just like Kaiba's; but I used the eyeliner that comes with Aznu/Shizuka.
CLOTHING: Crappy recolor of maxis clothes. I'm not too proud of this one; I really wish I had a better Mokuba outfit, haha. But if you want my recolor that badly, it's here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0G84IULD.

Kaiba Noa (teen)

SKIN: See "Mutou Yuugi"
EYES: I used the same eyes that my Kaiba sim has. Recolor found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A9B57QSS.
HAIR: Hair mesh is the same as Kaiba's: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=121784. Turquoise recolor is here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QP2MDRH5.
EYEBROWS: Generic maxis eyebrows, but I had to make a turquoise recolor: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y3FDX6DZ.
MAKEUP: See makeup for Kaiba.
CLOTHING: Recolor of the teen Gakuran mesh (http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=123166), based off crayonsun's Prince of Tennis recolors. Download recolor here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XUH48V4E.

Ishizu Ishtar (adult)

SKIN: Maxis skintone, the second one from the left in the list of ones that come with the game.
EYES: The eyes come with the Anzu sim. (listed above)
HAIR: Not needed, the mesh comes with the game... however I did recolor the hair slightly darker. If you're a freak for accuracy like me, and care to download, it's here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U6ITTUD1.
EYEBROWS: Generic maxis eyebrows.
MAKEUP: Anzu/Shizuka eyeliner.
GLASSES: Headress thingy mesh: (you need to register to download at this site I think) http://www.sapphiresims2.com/showthread.php?t=25499. My recolor is here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TMITASFD. She is also wearing a bracelet I found at peggysims2.net under "Bracelets".
CLOTHING: The mesh is supplied by maxis (it comes with the game) My recolor (I took the thing off the bottom and fixed some other stuff) found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HWHRXW0J. It's based off Eshal's simple Egyptian styled dress.


I didn't make any of them but I figured I'd put up links:

Dark Magician Girl: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=234415
Red Archery Girl: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=86622
Harpy Lady: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=86438

Other Sims

Here is a picture of some things that fit under the possible categories of either: half-assed, work-in-progress, or something-i-did-not-personally-make-but-i-feel-like-showcasing-anyway-because-it-looks-cool. If anybody really wants any of this stuff I can provide the recolor (if it's mine) or tell you where I got it...

Other Websites

And finally, here is just a brief list of sites that helped me out a lot in my quest to make these sims:

(Yuugi, Yami, Kaiba, Mokuba, Ishizu, Malik, Mana, Kisara, and Rebecca links)

(Yuugi, Malik, Mana, Kisara, and Mai parts)

(Kaiba outfits)

(Similar things as above)

(Yuugiou sims livejournal community)

(Official Sims 2 site: Yuugiou things people have created, outfits for teen!Kaiba, a Pegasus outfit, Shizuka!teen outfit, Anzu!teen outfit, Mai!teen outfit, etc.)

modthesims2.com (LunarEclipse, etc.)


If you find any errors in this post, (ex. broken links, wrong information, etc.) please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP. If you need help with something or have a question about downloading, you can ask me by leaving a comment on this entry, but only after you've checked the tutorials at modthesims2.com.

You are allowed to use my sims/recolors in pictures and videos and such, but please do not post them on MTS2 or any paysite claiming them as your own. I didn't make any meshes myself, I only do recolors...so if you want to do a recolor based off one of mine, that's completely fine. In fact, please show me! I'd love to see your work.

Have fun with your ygo sims. :D

anime: yuugiou, video game: the sims

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