here is an amusing response to my icon
Subject: Screw u bastrard Kurt Cobain kick's ass!! "Hell, do u even know who Kurt Cobain is dip shit?
"If u don't well listen up shit-fuck" Kurt Cobain was one of the coolest music artist of the early 90's, he had numerous albums including Nevermind,Inscecticide,Bleach,UnPlugged In New York,"Here's some of the songs fuck-faced" IN BLOOM,ABOUT A GIRL,POLLY,(NEW WAVE)POLLY,SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT,STAIN,LITHIUM,COME AS YOU ARE,MOLLY"S LIPS,AREO ZEPPLIN,TURNAROUND,SILVER,DOWNER,BREED,(HIDDEN TRACK ON NEVERMIND)ENDLESS NAMELESS and more!!! So think twice before down Kurt Cobain and Nirvana,u just worry about the "BACKSEAT BOY'S" you backseat bitch!!!
of course, it was anonymous....amusing though isn't it?
kurt cobain does in fact suck an infested chode. his lyics made no sense and yet he fooled all these people into to thinking he's a prophet
quick parody inspired by smells like teen spirit and cobain being very dead
smells like kurt cobain
i don't get it
he's idolized for being musically inept
i find it hard
to tolerate his shit he makes no sense
i wish i held his gun in my hands
and blew this dumb hacks face away
grunge should have died before i were born
but now its cool because...
...he is dead now
but still lives on
the the spirit of his shit songs
on MTV
and the fans of
the fake asshole
plague our world with
mindless babble
he should have died
but take courtney
huh...i guess that will have to do because i don't feel like putting any more thought into this.
in other news, remember that self proclaimed "5'2" roly poly dyke" that was giving me shit? i stumbled on to her myspace through a friend's....small world ain't it? this shit is too funny
i have a boss named, Matt Damon, who i move furniture with. just thought i'd mentione that.he's definitely not a big fan of the actor