Apr 21, 2010 18:41
Hey there chickadees, hope you're all recovering from that very Cheech and Chong day yesterday. I know one thing, I'm not touching tacos for months, sorry Freddles. I'm nacho cheese'd out!
Here in the big wide world of curses and deities, what do we have but each other? Sure, some of us are lucky enough to have family here, because I don't know if you can just have friends when you're not sure if one day you'll be high as a kite together and the next you might just be married. We look out for each other, against the more unsavory types, against the monsters, against the deities when we can. And some of us struggle with what to do with ourselves here, where it's so easy to throw everything out the window and be naughty monkeys cause hey! No one remembers when we go home, not really.
Anyhoo, this is your favorite Emerald Uncle reaching out into the far and wide for a little proposition. A little giving back, with a side of feel-good! I'm looking for some help, munchkins, from the talented among you. The singers, the players, the lookers, and hey I'll even take the ventriloquists and the comedians, this is my desperation. I'll be hosting a Charity Event, a night you won't want to miss! There will be food and drinks, entertainment and prizes and all sorts of goodies and elbow rubbing! Just think of it as a way to give back to the community! Tickets will go on sale soon, for the grand opening of Oh Aces! Come to entertain, or be entertained. Even if you're having trouble with your cash, come help set up, do a little building -- serve some drinks at the event!
Oh Aces has started renovating, thanks to our monocular hunk of hammer wielding do-gooder, Mr. Xander Harris! There's more to come, a few surprises here and there, but until I get all the kinkies worked out, why don't we leave it at that. Oh Aces, a place to rest your head when things are bumping in the night.
So how about it, huh? Buy some tickets to Oh Aces' first charity event, maybe sign up to be the entertainment or help out in any other way you can think of. Because otherwise, I'm just going to keep on at you until you do, folks.
[ooc: What's going on? Lorne's building a place for people to go when they're in trouble, or avoiding trouble, or hurt or need help, a City sanctuary. He's looking for help raising money; entertainers, donations, servers, etc.]
pow wow time,
hey a demon's gotta eat you know,
time to schmooze,
back into the swing,
into the woods,
our lives aren't normal,
sometimes it's not fun and games,
i need a hero,
beware the guiltmonster,
it's not easy being green (but it's fun),
failing at stealth,
can you feel his influence?