BAND SIGNUPSdeformiwhatsJanuary 11 2010, 17:18:58 UTC
Name: Your full name, sugar. Auditioning for: What instrument will you be gracing the pit band with?
[OOC; all band sign ups are taken, even double instruments, though i've no real worry about that occurring. if it does, you'll both get the parts and split the playing time cause c'mon, share the love!]
Auditioning for: What instrument will you be gracing the pit band with?
[OOC; all band sign ups are taken, even double instruments, though i've no real worry about that occurring. if it does, you'll both get the parts and split the playing time cause c'mon, share the love!]
Auditioning for: Drums.
Auditioning for: Electric Guitar
Auditioning for: Cello
Auditioning for: Trumpet
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