Sickly rant

Oct 14, 2005 10:00

I'm so sick of people thinking that art majors have it easy. We get just as much work as any other major. Just because we dont have to do 30 problems two nights out of the week doesn't mean we don't get any work. Come to think of it, we probably have more to worry about 'cause on top of getting our work done in time and doing our own art, we have general education classes. What we lack in volume we make up for in time.

Case in point: our roommate. Everytime she says, "Oh if I had any talent I'd be an art major, you guys just get to draw all day!"

So to everyone who thinks that all we do is draw all day....

Thank you.

Thank you for reducing our major to nothing more than congregation of kids who like to draw fuckin pretty pictures. Thank you for thinking we do nothing with our life just because you have 3 essays to write and all we have is 4-5 drawings due per week. Or draw a nude in perfect proportion. Or paint a landscape on 32x48 canvas. Or make a layout for a magazine. Thank you for thinking we don't do any work just because you don't see us doing it while we pull off all-nighters in the art building, sleeping on a fucking old couch that came from god-knows-where, unintentionally ingesting stuff a normal human shouldn't ingest and sometimes forgetting to eat a normal meal.

Thank you for thinking that all our work is based on talent and luck rather than skill and hard work.

Thank you for disregarding about thousands of years of art history.

Think we have it so easy?
Then be an art major for a month.
Tell me how easy it goes for you.

And then we'll talk.
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