
Nov 17, 2004 12:10

I recently tidied up various bits of my website and collated all the various hacks in to Perl and C/C++ sections. During this I found a quick script I wrote ages ago called cpanquery which did a fast local search against the file. To be honest this was back when a higher percentage of modules were in the module list but it was pretty neat and (if available) used Term::ANSIColor to highlight which modules were already installed. But the cody was pretty gnarly.

So, since I was bored at work I hacked up Parse::CPAN::Modlist to finish off the suite started by Parse::CPAN::Packages and Parse::CPAN::Authors. And it was fairly easy. So now cpanquery works again and isn't quite as embarassing.

However it would be nice to have a Parse::CPAN module that wrapped up those three modules into a super ur-module. Not that I've got much use for it but the completist in me would quite like to get it done.

authors, perl, local search, gz file, cody, honest, cpan, nice, gnarly, highlight, bored, parse, embarassing, c sections

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