Oct 08, 2004 12:13
well, hmm...how to update this old thing of mine. I don't really ever go on here anymore...I have been posting on Myspace as of lately but not too often.
Let's see..
I worked at TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN (landscaping) from July to just about now...I'm getting my voluntary Lay-off since the season is pretty much over. I will be on unemployment until about late January/early February making about $350.00 per week until I start working there again , which I'll then make anywhere from $450-600 a week....good money I guess for Indiana. I was making that much until now, but all the money I made went straight to Credit Cards, and various other bills, so unforunetly the 3,500 dollars I had saved in only 2 1/2 months...is obsolete. yeay for money. haha fuckin guy.
while im on my lay-off, I will have time to make all my plans come together as best as I can. I was supposed to play BASS for XERO SUM , but , I don't think that is happening anymore...ehh, it's okay...I'm a vocalist or guitarist at heart anyway. that , and they're not emotional enough for me.
I was supposed to get this apartment In August originally...well, Since it's a totally new development, the construction kept getting things delayed...it's pretty much set in stone that I finally can move in within the next 2 weeks. about fucking time man. This vagabond shit is not me at all.
I don't have much going on right now...In fact I'm quite bored, but I am trying my hardest to stay content with whatever my situation is and think for the future...dwelling is a thing of the past. I have been sending my resume like fucking crazy to labels,studios and yada yada...i think i aam pretty much fucked until I already live in the area I apply for...moving expenses are probably the thing that is fucking me into staying in this beautiful boring state of cows and fields. mwuahaha
I'll post updates randomly time to time, but not too often on this one.