(no subject)

Apr 14, 2004 00:48

lol- well, when you are asked "what do you see yourself doing in 6 months?" while at a job interview....I really recommend not saying "living in LA" when you are currently applying for a job in Indianapolis..haha yeah, needless to say, if i didn't fucked up and actually tell them that, id have a job. haha. they are looking for more "grounded" positions as she said.. haha oh well. fuckem. Now i just have to remember to not say that next time. I wasnt thinking..it was funny though..I left with the same feeling Jim Carrey had in LIAR LIAR when he got done doing his boss and saying "ive had better"...haha it was great. I really dont know why i find it funny.

helped out my mom with her report thing. I have to go back tomorrow to finish it up for her.

Met up with Gabe, Megan, and my old guitar dept. manager from Sam ash - John Martin. I was let go on good terms..I have no hard feelings at all. In fact, john is a great guy. Anyway, we chilled, talked about random topics, being funny, and rude as usual. oh wait, that was Gabe..hah youd have to know him. hes a funny guy.

thought i lost my wallet, but i found it in the samash parking lot...It mustve fell out when i got out or something..oh well, its fine.

im eating wendy's ...#2 no onions , biggie sized with a Coke. mmm...

yeah, so thats about it...not very eventful day. fun fun
still havent gotten laid..haha that makes it..oh wait, too long to post. tisk tisk fucker.
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