[ooc] storylines

Apr 15, 2008 16:31

at the broken heart of the city: Sam's found himself in an unfamiliar world twice now, and each time he looked to the nearest person who understood that world. Sam respects them (albeit grudgingly on occasion), watches their backs as second nature, and will call them on their bullshit when they're wrong or go too far. he is fiercely loyal to both, and he's ore than a little in love with them, though that last bit's all tangled up in repression and things a copper Does Not Do. The trouble is, his loyalties between the two are bound to clash, more than once, and it's hard to say which way he'll turn when they do. [Gene (lionofmanc) and Jack (hey_capn_jack)]

in the arms of someone you imagined: It's hard for Sam to open up to anyone. This is the person he'll talk to without even thinking about it, the person who, when he's wavering, keeps him stable if not sane. She might not understand him all the time, but she trusts him, and she's the person he'll automatically seek out when he needs comfort. And he loves her, without a doubt, though sometimes he utterly fails at expressing it. [Annie (wedontjump)]

at the ragged edge of the silence: Jack's decided Sam's the person to run Torchwood Four, which means he's going to have to build it from the ground up. This will be his team, people who are exceptional in one way or another, people he can trust, people he'll take care of even as he leads them into the worst situations imaginable. They'll fight for him, they'll probably be broken for him a couple times over... and they're going to be one of the first lines of defense against the dangerous things in this world. [Daniel (egyptiansoldier), Juliet (neverinportland), Marshall (akablackkitty), Suzie (superiorspectre), open at Sam and Gwen's discretion]

life can only be what a man can make it: It's in Sam's nature to look out for people. Of course, his looking after them doesn't always take the form of blind protectiveness. He'll keep an eye on them to make sure they don't get themselves killed, protect them if they need it, but most of the time he'll just guide them, let them make their minor mistakes and point them in the right direction after, and generally do his best to make them as capable of taking care of themselves and others as he is. [Mat (guardsintheory), open]

where the light of day never reaches: this is the other half of Sam's need to protect people - the ones he has to protect his people from. There is, of course, the demon and monster population at large, but these are the ones he perceives as specific and immediate threats to the safety of innocent people. He'll watch them closely, waiting for one misstep, one thing to justify his suspicion, and if they give him a good reason, he'll take them out. [Thane (john_thane), Hart (lovesxbitch), open]

a man can break down and fall to pieces: Sam's brain is full of complicated trains of thought, twisted logic, and the most bizarre leaps from point A to point 7.3. He's not always sure of making the right decision, the reality of the world around him, you name it. It's not out of the realm of possibility that someone - especially a someone with psychic abilities or something similar - might be able to twist him around enough in his own head that he started to make some really bad decisions, put people in danger, started to slip up, to the point where he starts to think that taking another walk off a building or something similar is a good idea. If anyone can really fuck Sam over, it will be with his own thoughts and emotions. [open to a demon or other bad guy, subject to serious plotting]

verse: beyond the rift, ooc, ooc: storylines

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