[Locked to... Specific People]

May 19, 2008 12:27

[Locked to Nick Angel and Torchwood] You probably heard, but there was a murder a couple weeks ago. The body of a woman was found by the pier - small, blonde hair, blue eyes.

Her name was Florence Vassey, and she was a wanderer staying in the basement. The man who killed her is a shapechanger named John Hart, who apparently has some sort of vendetta against Jack and used Jack's face the last time he was seen with Ms. Vassey. Somehow, I don't feel that "shapechanger" is going to convince local law enforcement of either Jack or Des' innocence if they're brought in for questioning.

Any assistance you could offer would be appreciated. [/Locked]

[Locked to Penny Widmore and Torchwood] Ms. Widmore, I've been told you have an ability to find things or people. Could you stop by my room as soon as you can? I'd like to speak to you about that ability. Thank you. [/Locked]

[btr] journal: torchwood, [btr] journal: penny, verse: beyond the rift, [btr] journal: nick, [btr] journal

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