hey everybody
hmmm... i need a new layout even though ive only made a few entries with this one... note to self - update more! haha
well last night i so didn;t get to sleep argh!! bed is at 9.30 and i didn;t get to sleep till at least 11.00 argh!
we practised our waxwork for art yesterday and i made so many blobs! im scared about the real thing!! waah... but ms wilcox said i did good so yeah... but stll merrrh
i gohome today for the weekend! im so happy!! i've been a bit down this week since Brov left, i dom't know when he's coming back. ahhhmy small brain wasn't made for this emotional stress lmao
hmmm well i'd better get to school now, hopefully will remember to update a little more hehehe